
Friday, December 21, 2007

Spiritual Light Worker

Being a Lightworker

Welcome to the new awareness of why you are born. It is only by going inside your heart will the term have meaning. Both Lightworker and Children of the Light are terms used by the Ascended Masters, Angels and Guides when speaking of those who have chosen (Sacred Contract) to help the Truth of Gods Love and Light reach down into the earth plane darkness. Most do it for the best part unaware, as though it is second nature (there are no coincidences).

Every time you change lower energy into higher energy, you are working with light. This is happening in everyday occasions that happen as if by chance (there are no coincidences). Often you will feel compelled to help someone or some situation, without knowing why. You will have noticed that your heart will quicken and your intuition will slip into high gear.

Some times it will involve forgiveness and other times you letting go of the ways of the past. This is where we transform the old energy into the next stage as all of life evolves higher and higher. It will been madness to find a explanation for the mind (ego) of the lower self. Only your higher self can comprehend love and even then only to the degree it has itself progressed.

Awakening your own spiritual power to know and heal is also the same as awakening the whole consciousness of all of us(there is only one). It is only by being in the body do we come to believe in the illusion of Fear. And it therefore seems to need Courage to overcome the illusion of Fear to experience the Miracle of Love.

This is common to all lightworkers. Lost energy, lost Love. lost power, lost anything is the result of denial, of holding it away from you by not accepting it.

What was lost returns when you forgive yourself for denying it and accepting it". Your true self and your ego live separate but parallel lives. One has a life of peace, health, harmony and complete fulfilment, while the other suffers a life of worry, illness and lack.

What ever you focus on enlarges; a loving thought is the on button for the true-self version of how we see our life (movie) and a fearful thought the same for the ego's movie. Most go through life channel surfing between the ego and true self movies.

The result is chaos and confusion. The ego's world seems so real and solid as any of the dreams we have while we're sleeping. Nothing is really solid, as all matter is composed of energy. Thoughts and emotions influence energy, which is the basis of all matter, including our bodies.

As a lightworker God may call you to do healing work on either the ego plane of energy and matter or the true self's spiritual plane. It is your choice to follow this invitation, if you do it will feel right, the opposite will leave you feeling guilty and blaming yourself for missing the chance to progress in you own understanding of the meaning of your life.

Never mind as God will never abandon you (even though your ego will tell you He would) as he adores His children and will continue to hand you more opportunities to come back to Him.

The true-self world involves working with conscious awareness instead of focusing on matter or energy. The ego world defines "life" as bodies and other matter, so it continually focuses on "doing" or "getting".

Like everything else that connects us to our higher self, prayer is the most effective when practiced, meaning you should pray whenever you think of it until it becomes automatic. In other words, pray when you wake up in the morning, while you take a shower, before you drink you cup of coffee and as you drive to work.

Pray for the easiest and best way to get through the day (if you are not doing it already). Pray for your projects and patience when those around you get on your nerves..

Pray for forgiveness and an open heart ray for creative inspiration and for a better heath; to release the past and open your mind and heart to a better future; for willing ness to let go of the old and outdated and reach for something new; for understanding; for faith; for a happy heart, in spite of everything; for the right support system and best job; and for a peaceful home and prosperity.

You pray for that what you think you need to be you. Prayer is free and brings us great rewards, better odds than buying a lottery ticket. God answer all your prayers with what you are ready to handle, so pray as big and as loud (inwardly speaking) as you feel, go on and let your feelings out. When you are heard we all benefit from it in some way or other so do hold anything back. Demand a better world to sweep aside this tragic one that stands in our way of happiness and joy.

Something to think on this Christmas Season.

Peace Love and Light,

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