
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Past Life Wisdom

A lifelong friend and life saver, posted a question today on an update I posted to FaceBook. It really caught me off guard and was quite profound. I actually had to gather my thoughts and think on this for a bit. However, I did come up with my answer...

"Can anyone who has become so wise they know there is no GOD explain the source of their wisdom"?

Hey Truman, "god" is perceptual. Some thing or event was responsible for all or most of this. Why people refer to this event as god, is beyond me. My wisdom and knowledge come from me and my experiences from the many past lives I have lived. You know how sometime you just know stuff? Don't know why, but you do. It's called remembering...:-)
If You have an answer to this question, feel free to post it as a comment.
Bobby Sharpe reggae8@aol.com

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