
Monday, August 27, 2007

Michael Vick Found Jesus! Really? Why?

Let me start by saying, "I do not know Michael Vick, nor do I have a personal vendetta against him". As a matter of fact, this posting isn't even really about Michael Vick!

This posting is about all the "losers" that get themselves in a major jam, like Vick, and then want to profess that they have "found Jesus". Praise the Lord and all that other phony, hypocritical religious mumbo jumbo.

First of all, you did not find Jesus. You found a well worn "sympathy" statement and position to gather support when your "bad choices" made by your "free will", finally catch up with YOU.

Second off, "why do people have to "mess up" before they start looking for Jesus"? What, is it a prerequisite that YOU have to screw things up before YOU can look for Jesus? Question...Jesus didn't do your screw up, soooo, why should he fix it? Isn't that your job?

Thirdly, Jesus isn't "all that". Yes, Jesus was a wise teacher and prophet. However, so was Mary Magdalene. And just maybe, she was the wisest.

Nonetheless, the point is, "YOU, and we, are solely responsible for everything that takes place in this life, on this Earth, in this third dimension, in this incarnation. Not Jesus, not family and friends, not anything or anyone. It is on YOU"! When we, as human beings come to grips with this premise, this world will be a much better place.

Balance and center yourself and take control of YOU! Stop looking for scapegoats and crutches regardless of how they are called. YOU have "free will", start using it to make better choices and not more blame.

For all of YOU out there that are wondering why Vick is being persecuted so much when the victims were "only dogs", YOU have obviously never had or appreciated the undivided love, loyalty, trust, faith and companionship of a dog. Abused humans, most of the time, have outlets and recourse. DOGS HAVE ONLY YOU!

If YOU would like to try to get yourself in better control, and, understand some of what I said here, try reading "The Divine Architect". You can get it at The Spiral Circle Bookstore New Age, metaphysical, bookstore, spiritual, enlightenment

"Speak Your Mind
Those that matter wont mind,
Those that mind, don't matter"

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Birthday Wish, Description of Prayer

Recently, on my birthday, I recieved birthday wishes and this message from a friend on myspace. It really caught me by surprise. Had never looked at "prayer" in this way. It certainly makes a profound statement, which, pretty much makes sense to me. Anyway, take what YOU will from this, and, if nothing else, maybe it will help YOU "opyn your mindz"!

One day suddenly you will be surprised -- you are praying. And then prayer has a beauty of its own when it has a surprise.

A learned prayer is bogus. A learned prayer is Hindu, Christian, Mohammedan.

It is parrotlike, it is mechanical; you repeat it from the head. It does not arise out of your being; it does not come as a surprise.

Real prayer always comes as a surprise.

Suddenly you feel one day an immense urge to bow down... not to anyone in particular but to this beautiful existence itself. And that's how one bows down to god.


Thursday, August 9, 2007

Namaste- The Word, The Meaning

Meanings in Western culture

Namaste is one of the few Sanskrit words commonly recognized by English speakers. In the West, it is often used to indicate South Asian culture in general. "Namaste" is particularly associated with aspects of South Asian culture such as vegetarianism, yoga, ayurvedic healing or Hinduism.

Westerners who learn about "namaste" from yoga often believe that the word is part of yogic and tantric practice, and that it has a multitude of very complicated and poetic meanings. Some examples:

"I honor the Spirit in you which is also in me". -- attributed to author Deepak Chopra [citation needed]

"I honor the place in you in which the entire Universe dwells, I honor the place in you which is of Love, of Truth, of Light and of Peace, When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, we are One."

"I salute the God within you."

“I recognize that we are all equal.”

“The entire universe resides within you.”

“The divine light in me salutes the divine light in you.”

"Your spirit and my spirit are ONE." -- attributed to Lilias Folan's shared teachings from her journeys to India

"That which is of God in me greets that which is of God in you"

"I honor the Holy One that lives in you."

"I bow to the divine in you"

"The Light of God in Me recognizes and honours The Light of God in You and in that recognition is our Oneness."

Hope this helps some of YOU out that were trying to get a handle on the word "namaste". Also, for more on "namaste", go to Namaste - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

"The more YOU know, the more YOU grow,
The more YOU grow, the further YOU go"

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

"I" and "We" Coexist Peacefully

Space In Togetherness: Healthy Barriers

As relationships evolve, lives gradually become entwined. We tend to have a great deal in common with the people who attract us, and our regard for them compels us to trust their judgment. While our lives may seem to run together so smoothly that the line dividing them cannot be seen, we remain separate beings. To disregard these barriers is to sacrifice independence. It is our respect for the fact that our lives exist independently of the lives of others that allows us to set emotional and physical boundaries, to explore our interests and capabilities even when people close to us do not understand our partialities, and to agree to disagree. Maintaining healthy barriers is a matter of recognizing the point at which our principles and those of our loved ones and peers no longer overlap.

Human beings must relentlessly fight the temptation to follow the crowd. Naturally, we want to be liked, accepted, and admired, and it often seems that the easiest way to win approval is to ally ourselves with others. When we assume that our standards are the same as those of the people close to us without first examining our own intentions, we do ourselves a disservice. The barriers that exist between us are a reminder that our paths in life will be unique, and we must each accept that "I" and "we" can coexist peacefully. Our reactions, our likes and dislikes, our loves, our goals, and our dreams may or may not align with those of others, but we should neither ask others to embrace what we hold dear nor feel compelled to embrace what they hold dear.

As you learn to define yourself as an emotionally and intellectually distinct individual, you will grow to appreciate your autonomy. However much you enjoy the associations that bind you to others and provide you with a sense of identity, your concept of self will ultimately originate in your own soul. The healthy barriers that tell you where you end and the people around you begin will give you the freedom to pursue your development apart from those whose approval you might otherwise be tempted to seek out. Others will continue to play a role in your existence, but their values will not direct its course, and the relationships you share will remain marvelously balanced and harmonious as a result.

Yes, You can be You, I can be Me, and together, "we are WE". It's a beautiful thing when performed correctly.

Peace & Soulz,

Friend Connect
