
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just Do It, You'll Feel Much Better

Your Inner Being?
Outside The Comfort Zone
Things We Don’t Want To Do

Most of us have had the experience of tackling some dreaded task only to come out the other side feeling invigorated, filled with a new sense of confidence and strength. The funny thing is, most of the time when we do them, we come out on the other side changed and often wondering what we were so worried about or why it took us so long. We may even begin to look for other tasks we’ve been avoiding so that we can feel that same heady mix of excitement and completion.

Whether we avoid something because it scares us or bores us, or because we think it will force a change we’re not ready for, putting it off only creates obstacles for us. On the other hand, facing the task at hand, no matter how onerous, creates flow in our lives and allows us to grow. The relief is palpable when we stand on the other side knowing that we did something even though it was hard or we didn't want to do it. On the other hand, when we cling to our comfort zone, never addressing the things we don’t want to face, we cut ourselves off from flow and growth.

We all have at least one thing in our life that never seems to get done. Bringing that task to the top of the list and promising ourselves that we will do it as soon as possible is an act that could liberate a tremendous amount of energy in our lives. Whatever it is, we can allow ourselves to be fueled by the promise of the feelings of exhilaration and confidence that will be the natural result of doing it.

YOU know, this is so true it is scary. A couple of days ago, after a week of rain from tropical storm Fay, we had a roof leak at our house. After procrastinating about what and how I was going to deal with this, I finally made up my mind that I was going to fix this problem myself. After all, as my spiritual mentor Beverly has told me time and time again, "YOU know everything that anyone else knows, it is just a matter of YOU remembering. YOU have the answer, YOU do not need someone to give it to YOU". In other words, I know what a roofer knows so I should be able to do the job myself. SO, I DID! And it feels great! Even if it is not perfect, I took the iniative and did the deed myself. By doing so, I cleared that block. Now I can move forward to the next task I have been avoiding. YOU can do this too!

"Nothing to it but to do it",

Monday, August 18, 2008

August, Month Of The Leo

Today, August 19, 2008, I am celebrating my birthday. I lost count many incarnations ago, so, I have NO idea what birthday it is or, in what context it falls. YOU did understand that right? lol

Anyway, I would just like to take the time to wish all of my fellow Leo's a very Happy Birthday. Since all of this life I have been overwhelmingly attracted to other Leo's, especially my wife Mary, it is only proper that I wish all of YOU the very best. Enjoy our time of the year, and remember, "we are the Kings and Queens of the jungle".

Click this link to check out a really cool animal storyPlucky Cow Confronts Trespassing Bear with a picture.

Animals Rule, Leo's Rule,

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Visitors Arriving October 14, 2008 - Are U Ready?

The MotherShip Is Coming
There has always been talk about "off planet" souls. For those of YOU that are not awake yet, that means "aliens". As I have stated many times before, "unless YOU can prove otherwise, then my beliefs are as true and valid as anything can be". YOU pretty much would have to be a closed minded uninformed soul to think that YOU/we are the only intelligent life in this universe.

On October 14, 2008, according to the email I recieved and the video link I watched, we will be visited by a ship belonging to some of our fellow "cosmic souls". I make NO judgement calls for YOU or anyone else. I merely present what I have been given and let YOU make your own call. Here is the link UFO appointment with Earth 14 OCT 2008 - The Ashtar Command Enjoy!

"Opyn Mindz Rule",

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Growing Into YOU

Growing Pains
Difficult Times

It can be very challenging to maintain a positive attitude and a measure of faith when you are in the midst of difficult times. This is partly because we tend to think that if the universe loves us we will experience that love in the form of positive circumstances. However, we are like children, and the universe is our wise mother who knows what our souls need to thrive better than we do. Just as a young child does not benefit from getting everything she wants, we also benefit from times of constriction and difficulty to help us grow and learn. If we keep this in mind, and continue to trust that we are loved even when things are hard, it helps us bear the difficult time with grace.

This period of time in history is full of difficulty for a lot of human beings, and you may feel less alone knowing you are not being singled out. There are extreme energy changes pulsing through the universe at every level and, of course, we are all part of the growing process and the growing pains. It helps if we remember that life is one phase after another and that this difficult time will inevitably give way to something new and different. When we feel overwhelmed we can comfort ourselves with the wise saying: This too shall pass.

At the same time, if you truly feel that nothing is going right for you, it’s never a bad idea to examine your life and see if there are some changes you can make to alleviate some of the difficulty. Gently and compassionately exploring the areas giving you the most trouble may reveal things you are holding onto and need to release: unprocessed emotions, unresolved transitions, or negative ways of looking at yourself or reality. As you take responsibility for the things you can change, you can more easily surrender to the things you can’t, remembering all the while that this phase will, without doubt, give way to another.

Try and always remember, "YOU are responsible for YOU". Through your choices and decisions, your life is shaped. Own it!

"Bad and Good are perceptual,
Life just is................................"

Friend Connect
