
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Visitors Arriving October 14, 2008 - Are U Ready?

The MotherShip Is Coming
There has always been talk about "off planet" souls. For those of YOU that are not awake yet, that means "aliens". As I have stated many times before, "unless YOU can prove otherwise, then my beliefs are as true and valid as anything can be". YOU pretty much would have to be a closed minded uninformed soul to think that YOU/we are the only intelligent life in this universe.

On October 14, 2008, according to the email I recieved and the video link I watched, we will be visited by a ship belonging to some of our fellow "cosmic souls". I make NO judgement calls for YOU or anyone else. I merely present what I have been given and let YOU make your own call. Here is the link UFO appointment with Earth 14 OCT 2008 - The Ashtar Command Enjoy!

"Opyn Mindz Rule",

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now do you see why they dont want to make smoking a joint legal?

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