
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Crystal & Gemstone Spiritual Healing: Labradorite

This is the first of an ongoing series on crystals and gemstones and their healing and therapy attributes. Crystals and gemstones of all sizes shapes and colors have different properties and vibration points that play important roles in all that happens on this Earth. They are all unique in their own way. This series will show some of those differences and hopefully, point YOU toward your crystal/gemstone.


Spectrolite, the most valued type of labradorite, comes from Finland. The name is derived from Labrador which is the main and original source of the Canadian variety of this feldspar stone. Labradorite is also found in India, Madagascar, Newfoundland, and Russia.

A type of translucent feldspar which displays strong iridescence when viewed from different angles, Finnish spectrolite exhibits vivid colors of bright aqua, golden yellow, peacock blue, reddish orange, greens and red. Also see labradorescence and schiller.

It is a 6-6.5 on the Mohs scale.

Labradorite is the umbrella term for a sodium-rich variety of plagioclase feldspar found in igneous or metamorphic rocks. When light hits labradorite from a particular direction, it can display striking rainbow-colored reflections (violet, blue, green, yellow, orange and red) known as labradorescence or schiller. Labradorite has been described as looking like gasoline lying on water or the delicate wings of a tropical butterfly. It is in the same family as moonstone. Stones with a light green-gray base and moderate schiller are known simply as labradorite. The high-quality type of labradorite mined in Finland is called spectrolite, which has a dark or black base and a wide spectrum of colors.

Labradorite was officially discovered on St. Paul Island in Labrador, Canada, in 1770. However, pieces of the gemstone also have been found among Native American artifacts in Maine. During the 18th century, labradorite was frequently used in jewelry in France and England.

Labradorite is said to detoxify the body and slow the aging process. It also is believed to elevate consciousness and protect a person's aura, helping to keep the aura clear, balanced, protected and free from energy leaks. Many say the stone heals mental confusion and indecision.

Labradorite is found in Labrador (Canada), Madagascar, the Ukraine, Australia, Mexico, Norway and the U.S.A.

"The more YOU know, the more YOU grow,"

Saturday, December 29, 2007

A Thought For '08

The Great Invocation

The Great Invocation is a synthesis of meditation, prayer and affirmation. The term invocation means "calling down," "calling forth," "calling into." It is a request, a demand, an appeal to higher energies and intelligences.

This might not be a bad way to start the new year. We know that alot of YOU/US need to call and appeal to something.

Higher Energies & Intelligences Rule,

Friday, December 21, 2007

Spiritual Light Worker

Being a Lightworker

Welcome to the new awareness of why you are born. It is only by going inside your heart will the term have meaning. Both Lightworker and Children of the Light are terms used by the Ascended Masters, Angels and Guides when speaking of those who have chosen (Sacred Contract) to help the Truth of Gods Love and Light reach down into the earth plane darkness. Most do it for the best part unaware, as though it is second nature (there are no coincidences).

Every time you change lower energy into higher energy, you are working with light. This is happening in everyday occasions that happen as if by chance (there are no coincidences). Often you will feel compelled to help someone or some situation, without knowing why. You will have noticed that your heart will quicken and your intuition will slip into high gear.

Some times it will involve forgiveness and other times you letting go of the ways of the past. This is where we transform the old energy into the next stage as all of life evolves higher and higher. It will been madness to find a explanation for the mind (ego) of the lower self. Only your higher self can comprehend love and even then only to the degree it has itself progressed.

Awakening your own spiritual power to know and heal is also the same as awakening the whole consciousness of all of us(there is only one). It is only by being in the body do we come to believe in the illusion of Fear. And it therefore seems to need Courage to overcome the illusion of Fear to experience the Miracle of Love.

This is common to all lightworkers. Lost energy, lost Love. lost power, lost anything is the result of denial, of holding it away from you by not accepting it.

What was lost returns when you forgive yourself for denying it and accepting it". Your true self and your ego live separate but parallel lives. One has a life of peace, health, harmony and complete fulfilment, while the other suffers a life of worry, illness and lack.

What ever you focus on enlarges; a loving thought is the on button for the true-self version of how we see our life (movie) and a fearful thought the same for the ego's movie. Most go through life channel surfing between the ego and true self movies.

The result is chaos and confusion. The ego's world seems so real and solid as any of the dreams we have while we're sleeping. Nothing is really solid, as all matter is composed of energy. Thoughts and emotions influence energy, which is the basis of all matter, including our bodies.

As a lightworker God may call you to do healing work on either the ego plane of energy and matter or the true self's spiritual plane. It is your choice to follow this invitation, if you do it will feel right, the opposite will leave you feeling guilty and blaming yourself for missing the chance to progress in you own understanding of the meaning of your life.

Never mind as God will never abandon you (even though your ego will tell you He would) as he adores His children and will continue to hand you more opportunities to come back to Him.

The true-self world involves working with conscious awareness instead of focusing on matter or energy. The ego world defines "life" as bodies and other matter, so it continually focuses on "doing" or "getting".

Like everything else that connects us to our higher self, prayer is the most effective when practiced, meaning you should pray whenever you think of it until it becomes automatic. In other words, pray when you wake up in the morning, while you take a shower, before you drink you cup of coffee and as you drive to work.

Pray for the easiest and best way to get through the day (if you are not doing it already). Pray for your projects and patience when those around you get on your nerves..

Pray for forgiveness and an open heart ray for creative inspiration and for a better heath; to release the past and open your mind and heart to a better future; for willing ness to let go of the old and outdated and reach for something new; for understanding; for faith; for a happy heart, in spite of everything; for the right support system and best job; and for a peaceful home and prosperity.

You pray for that what you think you need to be you. Prayer is free and brings us great rewards, better odds than buying a lottery ticket. God answer all your prayers with what you are ready to handle, so pray as big and as loud (inwardly speaking) as you feel, go on and let your feelings out. When you are heard we all benefit from it in some way or other so do hold anything back. Demand a better world to sweep aside this tragic one that stands in our way of happiness and joy.

Something to think on this Christmas Season.

Peace Love and Light,

Monday, December 10, 2007

Are YOU Christian? Why?

Following, is a series of statements/comments from Native Americans as they address "christianity". YOU may do yourself well by reading and understanding some of what they have to say. Do it with "opyn mindz".

People always ask me---ARE YOU CHRISTIAN? I say no---and try to explain why. these great men have said it better than I ever could but suffice it to say that the ways of my people are 1000's of years older than christianity and I just can't see joining a new age religion. Then there is the question of which one to join---the catholics, protestants, methodist ,mormon and so on claim to be the only true christians---if the whiteman can't decide which is true, then how can I? Our people have never needed a special day or even a special building to pray to Creator, Creator is everywhere every minute of the day. Lastly, why would I join a religion that has caused so much harm to my people? If this man JESUS truly existed, he would seem like a good man very much like one of our people who would be very ashamed and angry of the things done in his name. Even Ghandi said he might be a christian if it wasn't for all the christians! something to think about---BY GRAYWOLF

From: Spirit Hawk

I have had some tell me that we should be more open and willing to share our customs and ceremonies, our religious beliefs. That then more people would understand us. I ask you to consider this, the fact that a country founded by people escaping religious persecution, made it against the law @ 1890, for Our People to practice their religion, or perform any religious ceremonies, AND that the law was not changed until 1978!!!! It was enacted to stop the Ghost Dance which was a big part of the reason for the massacre at the first Wounded Knee. Also, consider this. We are being asked to share our beliefs at a time that the Creator is not even welcome in the US Government's buildings, State buildings, or schools..... even though on the governments own currency it plainly states in "God we trust". Freedom of religion sure seems to be mighty selective.

"We do not want churches because they will teach us to quarrel about God. We do not want to learn that. We may quarrel with men, sometimes about things on this earth, but we never quarrel about the Great Spirit. We do not want to learn that."

Heinmot Tooyalaket ( Chief Joseph ) Nez Perce's 1873

"When Jesus Christ, the son of your own God, came to earth you murdered him. Then later you made war on those who did not believe in his ways. How can we trust such a people as you?"


"The white man will never be alone. Let him be just and deal kindly with my people, for the dead are not powerless. Dead, did I say? There is no death. Only a change of worlds."

Chief Seattle of the Suquamish 1853

Need I list anymore from our Native American bretheren? I think YOU have enough here to make YOU question some of your teachings and propagandizing.

Opyn Your Mindz,

Friday, December 7, 2007

Love, Earth, Universe & YOU

Love Shows the Way, We Are Here to Serve

We are living in a time of great change. Many thinkers and seers agree that humanity and the planet Earth are evolving at a quickened pace, and that this evolution will necessarily be severe and seemingly chaotic at times. It is natural for people to react with fear, because these changes will doubtless bring some level of difficulty and loss to many of us. However, it is essential that we all remember that our souls chose to be here at this time and to be part of this process. Every movement in the universe is a movement toward love. This is true even in situations that appear on the surface to be the opposite of loving.

Since we chose to be here, we are capable and ready to rise to the challenges in which we find ourselves. It is helpful to reflect on our own lives and make any changes necessary to fully support humanity and the planet into the state of love. When we open our hearts in love instead of closing them in fear, we serve the divine process. We are all powerful spirits who took form at this time in order to serve our fellow humans, our planet, and the universe. As we find ways we can serve, our fear dissipates. We may serve by remaining calm and loving with our children and our families, even as the situation seems dark. We may serve by sending money to people who need financial assistance. We may serve by going out into the world and actively helping to rebuild lives. Regardless of what actions we choose to take, the essential element will be the internal gesture of choosing to remain in love. This is all that is needed.

When it is difficult to remain in love, we may always call upon our unseen helpers: the teachers and guides who are always with us. All we need to do is ask and then trust that we are being helped. The guidance we receive is love itself, showing us the way.

Hopefully, this might give some guidance and inspiration to some of YOU who may have lost your way a bit. Or, maybe for those of YOU that may want to ascend a little higher.

Peace Love & Dragons,

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

December 21, 2012 Rebirth


By Carlos Barrios

CARLOS BARRIOS was born into a Spanish family on El Altiplano, the highlands of Guatemala. His home was in Huehuetenango, also the dwelling place of the Maya Mam tribe. With other Maya and other indigenous tradition keepers, the Mam carry part of the old ways on Turtle Island (North America). They are keepers of time,authorities on remarkable calendars that are ancient,elegant and relevant.

Mr. Barrios is a historian, an anthropologist and investigator. After studying with traditional elders for 25 years since the age of 19, he has also became a Mayan Ajq'ij, a ceremonial priest and spiritual guide,Eagle Clan.

Years ago, along with his brother, Gerardo, Carlos initiated an investigation into the different Mayan calendars. He studied with many teachers. He says his brother Gerardo interviewed nearly 600 traditional Mayan elders to widen their scope of knowledge.

"Anthropologists visit the temple sites," Mr. Barrios says, "and read the inscriptions and make up stories about the Maya, but they do not read the signs correctly. It's just their imagination... Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed. The indigenous have the calendars, and know how to accurately interpret it, not others."

The Mayan Calendars comprehension of time, seasons,and cycles has proven itself to be vast and sophisticated. The Maya understand 17 different calendars, some of them charting time accurately over a span of more than ten million years. The calendar that has steadily drawn global attention since 1987 is called the Tzolk'in or Cholq'ij. Devised ages ago and based on the cycle of the Pleiades, it is still held as sacred. With the indigenous calendars, native people have kept track of important turning points in history. For example, the day keepers who study the calendars identified an important day in the year One Reed, Ce Acatal, as it was called by the Mexicans.That was the day when an important ancestor was prophesied to return, "coming like a butterfly." In the western calendar, the One Reed date correlates to Easter Sunday, April 21, 1519 the day that Hernando Cortez and his fleet of 11 Spanish galleons arrived from the East at what is today called Vera Cruz, Mexico.

When the Spanish ships came toward shore, native people were waiting and watching to see how it would go. The billowing sails of the ships did indeed remind the scouts of butterflies skimming the ocean surface.

In this manner was a new era initiated, an era they had anticipated through their calendars. The Maya termed the new era the Nine Bolomtikus, or nine Hells of 52 years each. As the nine cycles unfolded, land and freedom were taken from the native people. Disease and disrespect dominated. What began with the arrival of Cortez, lasted until August 16, 1987 - a date many people recall as Harmonic Convergence. Millions of people took advantage of that date to make ceremony in sacred sites, praying for a smooth transition to a new era, the World of the Fifth Sun.

From that 1987 date until now, Mr. Barrios says, we have been in a time when the right arm of the materialistic world is disappearing, slowly but inexorably. We are at the cusp of the era when peace begins, and people live in harmony with Mother Earth.We are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun.

This is the time in-between, the time of transition. As we pass through transition there is a colossal,global convergence of environmental destruction,social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth changes. All this, Mr. Barrios says, was foreseen via the simple, spiral mathematics of the Mayan calendars. "It will change," Mr. Barrios observes. "Everything will change." He said Mayan Daykeepers view the Dec. 21,2012 date as a rebirth, the start of the World of the Fifth Sun. It will be the start of a new era resulting from and signified by the solar meridian crossing the galactic equator, and the earth aligning itself with the center of the galaxy.

At sunrise on December 21, 2012 for the first time in26,000 years the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life, a tree remembered in all the world's spiritual traditions. Some observers say this alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration.

This process has already begun, Mr. Barrios suggested.

"Change is accelerating now, and it will continue to accelerate." If the people of the earth can get to this 2012 date in good shape, without having destroyed too much of the Earth, Mr. Barrios said, we will rise to a new, higher level.

But to get there we must transform enormously powerful forces that seek to block the way.

A Picture of the Road Ahead From his understanding of the Mayan tradition and the calendars, Mr. Barrios offered a picture of where we are at and what may lie on the road ahead: The date specified in the calendar Winter Solstice in the year 2012 does not mark the end of the world. Many outside people writing about the Mayan calendar sensationalize this date, but they do not know. The ones who know are the indigenous elders who are entrusted with keeping the tradition.

"Humanity will continue," he contends, "but in a different way. Material structures will change. From this we will have the opportunity to be more human."

We are living in the most important era of the Mayan calendars and prophecies. All the prophecies of the world, all the traditions, are converging now. There is no time for games. The spiritual ideal of this era is action. Many powerful souls have reincarnated in this era, with a lot of power. This is true on both sides, the light and the dark. High magic is at work on both sides.

Things will change, but it is up to the people how difficult or easy it is for the changes to come about. The economy now is a fiction. The first five-year stretch of transition from August 1987 to August 1992 was the beginning of the destruction of the material world. We have progressed ten years deeper into the transition phase by now, and many of the so-called sources of financial stability are in fact hollow.

The banks are weak. This is a delicate moment for them. They could crash globally if we don't pay attention. If the banks crash ... then we will be forced to rely on the land and our skills. The monetary systems will be in chaos, and we must then rely on our direct relationship with the Earth for our food and shelter. The North and South Poles are both breaking up. The level of the water in the oceans is going to rise. But at the same time land in the ocean,especially near Cuba, is also going to rise.

As he met with audiences in Santa Fe, Mr. Barrios told a story about the most recent Mayan New Year ceremonies in Guatemala. He said that one respected Mam elder, who lives all year in a solitary mountain cave, journeyed to Chichicastenango to speak with the people at the ceremony. The elder delivered a simple,direct message. He called for human beings to come together in support of life and light. Right now each person and group is going his or her own way. The elder of the mountains said there is hope if the people of the light can come together and unite in some way.

Reflecting on this, Mr. Barrios explained: "We live in a world of polarity: day and night, man and woman,positive and negative. Light and darkness need each other. They are a balance. Just now the dark side is very strong, and very clear about what they want. They have their vision and their priorities clearly held, and also their hierarchy. They are working in many ways so that we will be unable to connect with the spiral Fifth World in 2012."

"On the light side everyone thinks they are the most important, that their own understandings, or their group's understandings, are the key. There's adversity of cultures and opinions, so there is competition, diffusion, and no single focus."

As Mr. Barrios sees it, the dark side works to block fusion through denial and materialism. It also works to destroy those who are working with the light to get the Earth to a higher level. They like the energy of the old, declining Fourth World, the materialism. They do not want it to change. They do not want fusion. They want to stay at this level, and are afraid of the next level.

The dark power of the declining Fourth World cannot be destroyed or overpowered. It's too strong and clear for that, and that is the wrong strategy. The dark can only be transformed when confronted with simplicity and open-heartedness. This is what leads to fusion, a key concept for the World of the Fifth Sun.

Mr. Barrios said the emerging era of the Fifth Sun will call attention to a much-overlooked element. Whereas the four traditional elements of earth, air,fire and water have dominated various epochs in the past, there will be a fifth element to reckon with in the time of the Fifth Sun: ether. The dictionary defines ether as the rarefied element of the Heavens.

Ether is a medium. It permeates all space and transmits waves of energy in a wide range of frequencies, from cell phones to human auras. What is"ethereal" is related to the regions beyond earth: the heavens.

Ether the element of the Fifth Sun is celestial and lacking in material substance, but is no less real than wood, stone or flesh. "Within the context of ether there can be a fusion of the polarities," Mr.Barrios said. "No more darkness or light in the people, but an uplifted fusion. But right now the realm of darkness is not interested in this. They are organized to block it.

They seek to unbalance the Earth and its environment so we will be unready for the alignment in 2012. We need to work together for peace, and balance with the other side. We need to take care of the Earth that feeds and shelters us. We need to put our entire mind and heart into pursuing unity and fusion now, to confront the other side and preserve life."

Mr. Barrios told his audiences in Santa Fe that we are at a critical moment of world history. "We are disturbed," he said. "We can't play anymore. Our planet can be renewed or ravaged. Now is the time to awaken and take action."

"Everyone is needed. You are not here for no reason. Everyone who is here now has an important purpose.This is a hard, but a special time. We have the opportunity for growth, but we must be ready for this moment in history."

Mr. Barrios offered a number of suggestions to help people walk in balance through the years ahead. "The prophesied changes are going to happen," he said "but our attitude and actions determine how harsh or mild they are."

We need to act, to make changes, and to elect people to represent us who understand and who will take political action to respect the earth.

Meditation and spiritual practice are good, but also action. It's very important to be clear about who you are, and also about your relation to the Earth. Develop yourself according to your own tradition and the call of your heart. But remember to respect differences, and strive for unity. Eat wisely. A lot of food is corrupt in either subtle or gross ways. Pay attention to what you are taking into your body. Learn to preserve food, and to conserve energy.

Learn some good breathing techniques, so you have mastery of your breath.

Be clear. Follow a tradition with great roots. It is not important what tradition, your heart will tell you, but it must have great roots. We live in a world of energy. An important task at this time is to learn to sense or see the energy of everyone and everything:people, plants, animals. This becomes increasingly important as we draw close to the World of the Fifth Sun, for it is associated with the element ether - the realm where energy lives and weaves.

Go to the sacred places of the earth to pray for peace, and have respect for the Earth which gives us our food, clothing, and shelter. We need to reactivate the energy of these sacred places. That is our work.

One simple but effective prayer technique is to light a white or baby-blue colored candle. Think a moment in peace. Speak your intention to the flame and send the light of it on to the leaders who have the power to make war or peace.

December 21, 2012 is not that far off. The changes that may occur could be profound in many ways. Will YOU be ready? Thanks to a good friend from Canada for this great article. YOU can check her myspace profile at MySpace.com - Maya Moondaughter - Ottawa, CA - www.myspace.com/m


Monday, December 3, 2007

The Spirit Within Has YOUR Answers

Turn To Yourself : You Are The One You Are Waiting For

We spend a lot of our lives looking for role models, mentors, teachers, and gurus to guide us on our path. There is nothing wrong with this and, in fact, finding the right person at the right time can really help. However, it is important to realize that in the absence of such a figure, we can very safely rely upon ourselves. We carry within us everything we need to know to make progress on our paths to self-realization. The outer world serves as a mirror. Or to use another metaphor, our inner world has a magnetic force that draws to us what we need to evolve to the next level. All we need to do to see that we already have everything we need is to let go of our belief that we need to seek in order to find.

The path of the spirit is often defined as a journey with a goal such as the fabled pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. In this metaphor, a person begins a search for something they want but do not have and then they find it, and there is a happy ending. However, most of us know that getting what we want only makes us happy for a moment, and then the happiness passes until a new object of desire presents itself. Joy is a permanent aspect of our inner selves and is not separate from us at any point. We do not have to travel to find it or imagine that it resides only in the body of another. In fact, what the best teachers will do is point out that this very precious elixir is something we already possess.

So when we find ourselves on our path, not knowing which way to turn and wishing for guidance, we can turn to ourselves. We may not know the right answer rationally or intellectually, but if we simply ask, let go, and wait patiently, an answer will come. The more we practice this and trust this process, the less we will look outside ourselves for teachers and guides for we will have successfully become our own.

As I have said on previous posts, "stop looking for someone or some thing to answer YOU and fix your life", the answers YOU seek are within YOU!

Peace Love & Dragons,

Friend Connect
