
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Love, Commitment & YOU

The Journey Of Commitment

Loving and committing to another person is a spiritual process whether that means a wedding or any other type of commitment ceremony. So often when we enter into a relationship we allow our emotions to lead us forward without thinking more deeply about what true commitment involves. If we can understand that sharing our lives with another person is not just based on love, but also on the hard work of being able to compromise and enter into a dialogue with them, then we are much more likely to find the key to having a successful relationship with our partners. So many people have not experienced a loving relationship between their own parents and therefore have no role model of what love should feel like or look like.

Many of us have been exposed to the idea that love should be romantic and sweep us off our feet. While this is a natural part of any relationship, the true test of our love comes from our willingness to explore this world with another person; to not only share in the delights that we encounter but also to negotiate the bumps in the road together. Generally this often takes the form of a mutual exchange of ideas, but, because any relationship is based on the needs and experiences of two people, we might also face a certain amount of misunderstanding. Learning to be open and receptive to our partners and to treat their wants and ideas with respect can help us to navigate even the most difficult situations. One way to do this is to take a deep breath, holding our partner in a space of love, allowing ourselves to listen fully with our hearts to what they have to say. Should this become difficult to do, we can also turn toward people whose relationships we admire for advice or gu! idance. Knowing that there are resources out there to help us and being up for exploring them with our partner will only serve to deepen and strengthen our relationship.

Entering into a committed relationship is in fact a spiritual journey that we undertake with another person. By being able to love and care for someone else with an open heart, we will find that we can reach a greater level of personal transformation, evolving along our path and learning powerful lessons about ourselves that we might not otherwise be able to do on our own.

This may help or, assist some of YOU on your journey through life in this world. Some of this, YOU may have forgotten. Some of this, YOU may have never actually known. Either way, it can't hurt to refresh or opyn your mindz and heart.

All Love,

Friday, March 21, 2008

The New Teacher

Thank you Redfoxsees

The New Teacher

You're not going to like the new teacher. They will ask you questions instead of giving you the answers. They won't tell you how to think, they won't tell you which path you should be on, and they won't tell you what to do. They will tell stories instead of preach, and let you arrive at the answer that is right for you.

The new teacher will not make your choices for you. The new teacher isn't here to carry your weight on the path either. The new teacher inspires you to gain strength and confidence, so you can walk that path on your own. They want you to be independent; not dependent. They want to walk with you . . . not have you follow behind them.

The new teacher will not limit your possibilities for the new teacher knows that there are a multitude of paths all going to the same destination. For this reason, the new teacher will never say "my way is the only way". The new teacher wants you to awaken to the God power you have inside. The new teacher will never offer a student a spiritual shortcut. The new teacher is a hard core realist. They know that spiritual progress usually comes step-by-step over time and with dedication, but they are also open to the magical fact that spontaneous awakenings happen, and do.

The new teacher will never make negative prophecies, because they understand that in their position that they can influence many people. If they influence others into a state of fear, they also know that they block them from their ability to access truth from Spirit. The new teacher also understands the power of the collective consciousness. They know that by putting out negative predictions that it will influence the entire collective fabric and create limitations; thus making our work at this time unnecessarily harder. They know fear stops you from hearing inner truth.

The new teacher won't be impressed by gifts or compliments. They're not acting as teacher to boost their egos, or to prove how enlightened they are, or to create a following. In fact, many teachers don't want to be teachers at all. You might find them in the most unusual places. A teacher might be a downtrodden character sitting next to you in a little café, or you might find the teacher in a place you might expect, like a conference. The new teacher will be every where, or could be anybody. God works through all people and in countless ways.

The new teacher will not try to win you over by promising you spiritual phenomena or with grandiose visions. Spiritual phenomena is a form of metaphysical entertainment. It might be fun, but it doesn't get you very far on the path. Spiritual phenomena may or may not show up around your spiritual teacher, or you. If spiritual phenomena does enter your path, enjoy the journey.

If it doesn't show up, enjoy the journey anyway!

The new teachers are not status oriented. Status, or titles, means one person is better than another and creates a separation. Status or title empowers one, while it dis-empowers another, and this is not acceptable. The new teacher, won't be impressed by who you were in the past, the experiences you have had, or how much you know unless they are relevant to the present situation. They won't be much impressed with your degrees, titles, and exalted positions. They don't care about your genetic heritage, how much education you've had, or who you have worked with. All they care about is who you are right now. The new teacher will be real with you, and hope that you will be real back. After all, who we were in the past is just that . . . the past. That was then, this is now. All they care about is where your heart is now, because nothing else matters but NOW.

- Lord Meru - Brother/Sister hood of the Seven Rays - PERU
for additional information or articles visit~
Webpage: www. AlunaJoy. com E-mail: alunajoy@kachina.net
Knowledge is Power~ Empower yourselves to be all that you can be~
The new student will have no need or desire for many words in the presence of True Wisdom~
shared by Aetheric

Respectfully shared by Redfoxsees

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Are YOU Balanced?

A Sign Of Imbalance
Overachieving and Overreaching

Overachievers are people who have achieved but still feel the need to do more, creating an imbalance in their lives. People who exhibit this behavior may be trying to compensate for feelings of insecurity and doubts about their worth. They may be chasing unresolved issues from their past into the present, or they might not be looking at their lives as a whole, but judging themselves based only on one aspect of their being. If this is a word that we’ve heard used with respect to our choices and lifestyle, it is worth examining in order to balance our lives for a more rewarding experience.

If we find that we cannot allow ourselves to experience and enjoy the present moment, putting pleasure off into some distant future, it may be a sign that we are being driven to achieve more than is truly necessary. Pushing ourselves beyond the point of exhaustion, or to the exclusion of important people in our lives, robs us of true and meaningful joy. Once we make the connection to the eternal part of us, it can nourish us and allow our priorities to shift from chasing after an elusive feeling to being fully present in the moment so that we can live our lives in the now.

Sometimes we need to look to those we love and admire in order to realize what we value about life. We can take time to note what we like about others, and then turn the mirror to reflect the light of those same words and feelings toward ourselves. It can be quite a revelation to see ourselves in this nourishing light. When we can put the energy that we’ve been devoting to a phantom sense of achievement into the truly satisfying aspects of our lives, we can restore the balance between our inner and outer worlds and experience true joyful peace.

Something to think about as YOU go through the day chasing what YOU think YOU should be after, while all along ignoring what is at hand.

Peace and Balance,

Monday, March 17, 2008

Freeing Up YOU, Releasing Your Emotions

Tending The Emotions

Most of us have had the experience of holding back our emotions for such a long period of time that when they finally come out, we have something resembling a breakdown. For a certain period of time, the overwhelming flood of feelings coursing through our bodies consumes us, and we stop functioning. Often, these outbursts take us by surprise, welling up within us as we drive to or from work, watch a movie, or engage in some otherwise mundane task. We may feel like we do not know what triggered us, or if we do know, it does not make sense of our overpowering emotional response. This is because we are releasing feelings that have accumulated over a long period of time, and whatever inspired the release was just a catalyst for a much larger, much needed catharsis.

When we find ourselves in the midst of such an experience, it is important that we allow it to happen, rather than fight it or try to shut down. Wherever we are, we can try to find a private, safe place in which to let our feelings out. If we can not access such a place immediately, we can promise to set aside some time for ourselves at our earliest possible convenience, perhaps taking a day off work. The important thing is that we need to give our emotional system some much-needed attention. It is essential that we allow ourselves to release the pent-up emotions inside ourselves so that they do not create imbalances in our bodies and minds.

When you are feeling better, make a plan to find a way to process your emotions more regularly. You can do this by employing a therapist or making a regular date to talk to a trusted friend. Journaling can also be a great way to acknowledge and release your emotions, as can certain forms of meditation. Making room in your life for tending your emotions on a regular basis will keep you healthy, balanced, and ready for life.

Emotions are something that I am sure alot of YOU/US do not tend to on a regular basis. Maybe this will help wake YOU up to the point of paying a little closer attention to YOU and your feelings.

Release Yourself,

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Divine Guidance & YOU

Learning To Trust Divine Guidance
Trial And Error

Anyone who has asked for divine guidance knows that it can be challenging to trust it when it comes. This is because divine guidance comes in many forms and it is sometimes hard to locate it. We aren’t sure if we are meant to trust our thoughts, our feelings, our dreams, or our intuitions to be the carriers of divine wisdom. We are not sure if advice from a friend is the form in which the guidance has come into the world, or if our own opinion is the source of wisdom we need to take seriously. The ability to sort all this out comes with trial and error, and the best way to learn to recognize divine guidance is to engage in the process of asking and receiving.

Sometimes when we ask for guidance, we already have a sense of what we want to hear. At such times, receiving guidance can be difficult, because we don’t want to hear anything that appears to be in opposition to our desire. Therefore, one of the most important qualities we need to cultivate if we are to receive guidance is an open mind. It helps to acknowledge what we want, and then to symbolically set it aside, making room for whatever wisdom comes through to us.

Cultivating an active relationship with the divine is the essential ingredient to being able to receive and trust guidance when it comes our way. We can make a daily practice of this by using a set of runes, a deck of cards, or a pendulum. We can also use our journals, developing a relationship with the divine through the written word. As we request and receive guidance, we might take notes on our experiences. Over time we will begin to recognize when we were able to hear correctly and when we were not. In this way, we will gradually attune ourselves to our particular relationship with the divine. Begin to trust the guidance you are receiving and soon you will find it flowing with ease.

Nobody can give YOU better guidance than what YOU can get from within yourself. Get in touch with YOUR inner self/guides and YOU might be surprise what YOU learn and come up with.

Peace and Dragons,

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Ascension And YOU, Are YOU Ready


Most definetely. The Earth has evolved to a point where she is ready to move to a higher frequency dimension. This is a normal evolutionary step for all life in the universe. This process is called Ascension. The dimension is the 5th. Everyone and everything ascends when their energy vibration reaches a specific frequency of Light.

There are many different forms of life upon Earth, e.g. humanity, animals, minerals, trees, etc. Anything that lives within the natural flow of Divine Order will have a similar band of vibration to the Earth and as such can automatically ascend with her. An example of living in Divine Order can be seen in the response of plants and animals to the different seasons.

I DON’T KNOW WHAT I AM SUPPOSED TO BE DOING!! You don’t need to know what you are doing! It is not part of the contract! It is usually the mind or ego that wants to know the details and significance. Spirit is content to surrender to Divine Order, simply doing what feels right, without hesitation, in total faith and trust - and moving on to the next exciting moment.

AM I A LIGHTWORKER? If you have a desire to help – even if you don’t know what form that help may take – the answer is yes.

HOW DO I KNOW I AM HELPING? If you are doing what feels right, regardless of what it is – you are helping. Providing it resonates, you are doing what you came here to do. Interest, excitement and what resonates and feels right deep within – will show your right path, moment by moment. Trust your gut feeling.

DO I NEED ALL THE DETAILS TO PLAN MY WORK? Only if it feels right and excites you. When we surrender and use intuition, we don’t generally need much of the detail and significance that make up our 3D world. If you do need details or need to ‘think it out,’ it will feel right in the moment to do that. This is quite different to working it out through the mind because you think you have to. If you are meant to do something that needs a particular energy, such as an eclipse or full moon energy, then providing you plan intuitively – that will be present. Mostly, you could go ahead and plan without ever knowing there was to be a full moon that day. However, there will always be exceptions. It could be, for some Divine reason, you do need to know there will be a full moon that day. If so, that will feel right! Generally, if you have planned intuitively, then everything that is meant to be there, will be there. Some Lightworkers tasks do involve significance and detail. Remember a feeling of rightness is senior to anything – even statements by ‘authorities’ or ascended masters.

DO I NEED TO ATTEND LOTS OF WORKSHOPS? Whether it is a workshop, a book or anything else, if it excites you - do it. If it doesn’t - don’t. Just because it helped someone else, doesn’t meant it is right for you. Your indication of excitement is your path.

IS IT NECESSARY TO WORK ON FORMING A LIGHT BODY? The vast majority of Lightworkers already have a Lightbody. You left it stored ‘up there’ until it was needed. You are in the process of integrating it. If by any chance you don’t already have one, it is being created. This is part of the balancing that takes place for ascension. You don’t usually have to do anything in particular. It happens naturally, as you re-adopt your mastery. As you surrender to Divine Order, it just happens.

AM I WHERE I AM MEANT TO BE? Well, check it. Ask yourself ‘If I could be anywhere in the world doing anything I want, right now, where would I be?’ If your answer is ‘right here doing what I am doing,’ then you are following your intuitive guidance in that moment and you are where you’re meant to be.

HOW DO I KNOW IF MY EGO IS IN CONTROL? If you are looking around to see who has noticed, that is a pretty good indicator! You could also ask yourself, ‘If I never tell anyone that I am doing this, and no-one is ever going to know, do I still want to do it? Give yourself a truthful answer.

HOW DO I KNOW IF I AM LINKED TO A NEGATIVE ENERGY? You have a great gift – it is the ability to sense when a situation or someone, does not feel right for you. Be aware of your initial feeling and trust it. No matter if the whole world thinks that that this presenter, technique, book, product or guru is simply the best, trust your intuition every time. You could save yourself untold anguish! A lack of confidence in yourself and a failure to trust your own knowing can really land you in hot water!

HOW DO I RECOGNISE TRUTH? Your heart tells you – every time. All you need to do is trust your intuition when it speaks to you. As you read or listen to something, note if anything does not feel right. It could be just a word or a sentence. Don’t dismiss your feelings….. never accept something that feels wrong.

WHY AM I LOSING MY MEMORY? Because you are leaving the 3D world where one uses memory in order to know something. You are heading for the 5th dimension where KNOWING is the way to operate. Your memory is disappearing to encourage you to use your ability to respond intuitively. It is time now to simply know what you need to know in any given moment. Losing your memory is a positive happening! It affects all age groups. It applies particularly to Lightworkers who have been here a long time.

WHY IS MY EYESIGHT AFFECTED? Everyone wanting to ascend has to bring all aspects of themselves into balance, in order to attain the right frequency of vibration. This includes merging with your I AM Presence (which is the non-incarnated part of you). Your eyesight has to adjust and it can become difficult to read small print in bad lighting. (Other types of eyesight problems will have a different reason). You don’t need an optician. Just buy a pair of the lowest magnification glasses until this adjustment is completed. It may take a while. This depends on you. The more positive you are, the faster your I AM can merge with you. The more the I AM merges, the more help you are given to be positive.

I DON’T SEEM TO GET EVERYTHING DONE? You are leaving the 3rd dimension and ‘time’ - and are heading to the 5th dimensional realm of the ‘eternal moment.’ There is no time in the 5th, because it is not required for 5th dimensional learning. As the Earth moves to ‘no time,’ her frequency increases and she ‘loses’ time. We have now lost 6 hours and 54 minutes on a day. This, combined with the fact that you try to do things you think you ‘should’ and ‘need’ to do, is the reason you are not getting it all done. Cancel all the shoulds, musts and needs in your life. Do only what feels right. It may not always feel exciting and it may not always be pleasant, but it will feel right to do it. Sometimes our emotions and thoughts get in the way and confuse us. Put these reactions aside and check if it ‘feels’ right.

ISN’T IT SELFISH TO DO WHAT FEELS RIGHT TO ME? No, it is selfless. There is only one Divine Order. Everyone who operates within its natural flow is in the right place, at the right time, giving the best help they can in that moment. Have courage and trust that, despite reactions others may have, your actions are also right for them (as indeed their actions are for you, if they are operating intuitively). Perhaps their response comes from their mind or ego. Perhaps you are helping them bring their emotions to the surface. You don’t need to know the why. Just do it, let go of any expectations of what you think should happen and carry on with what feels right in the next moment… and the next……and the next.

HOW DO I STOP THINKING ALL THE TIME? Take 10 minutes a day when you won’t be disturbed. Become still. Whenever a thought comes into your head – say CANCEL. Continue to focus on the silence. Don’t give a seconds of your attention to any thought. Don’t relax your discipline. Do this every day until the mind realises it is no longer in control. The mind will become quiet, responding only when called upon by you – Spirit. It doesn’t have to take long.

HOW DO I STOP EMOTIONAL CHAOS IN MY LIFE? Spot your lessons early. If you react to a person or situation, be are of it and let your reaction go. If you don’t let it go or you fail to notice your reaction, you will continue attracting tougher and more traumatic situations, until you get the message! Spotting it early means you don’t get into horrendous traumas! Don’t bury or suppress your emotional reaction. If you do, you’ll have to create more situations to bring them to the surface again.

HOW DO I GET INTO MY HEART? Get out of your head and ego - and there is no place left to go. Well OK, it is a matter of discipline. Do spot checks on yourself. A few times in the day, ask yourself ‘Am I in my head or my heart?’ If you see that you’re thinking about what to do – stop, take a deep breath and move into your heart. Ask yourself what you would like to be doing in that moment? What would make your heart sing and not sink? Then do it. Or at least put the steps into motion to start doing it.

HOW DO I LEARN TO LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY? Be aware every time you criticise, judge or condemn anyone, including yourself. And stop doing it. Apply the discipline necessary to demand from yourself, a positive, loving outlook. Never let yourself get away with a negative thought. You may like to look at the following possibilities. ‘Everyone is doing the best they can, with the data they have at hand’. ‘Everyone on the planet is helping everyone else.’
WHO WILL SHOW ME THE WAY?You are shown signs in the everyday events of your life. All you need to do is be in the present moment in order to see them. If you are ‘spaced out’ or too ‘grounded,’ you can miss what is happening in front of you.

There are no leaders. The process of ascension requires a regaining of inner mastery. For this reason, you are encouraged to seek your own inner truth and be your own leader. Remember the Wizard of Oz and ‘follow the yellow brick road’? The answers are found within.We are all equal. If you understand this, you will not feel called to hand your power over to guru’s and leaders who we think are better than us. Often through a lack of self-confidence, we hand our power to someone we believe may be helping. In this way, we hope that at least then we will be helping. Handing our power over can be as simple as adoring a photo of someone and ‘thinking’ your energy in their direction. Be aware of the links you make – some are not what they seem to be!! Your first inner gut reaction shows you.

HOW DO I ENSURE I AM CONNECTED TO HIGHEST LIGHT? Decrees can be used to assist for this. To ensure you are aligned to Highest Light, do the following: - "By Divine Decree, In the Name of God, I invoke the Sacred Violet Flame, to transmute in this moment - every thought, link, alliance, connection or allegiance to any negative Being, energy or object - that I have made - knowingly or unknowingly - in this Universe, where this is not in accordance with - the Highest Source of All Creation and the Divine Plan for Earth.

I AM’ now fully aligned in all my lower and higher bodies to - the Highest Source of All Creation.I give permission under Universal Law, for any and all sacred codes and mathematical programmes that I am responsible for, that I carry, have carried or will carry, to be brought NOW into a state of purity in accordance with Divine Order and to be held in such a state forever, in accordance with Divine Higher Will. So Be It. It is done." You will need to say it 3 times.The easiest way to stay free of non-optimum connections is…. never doubt your ability to know what is right for you.

DO I NEED TO BE ABLE TO CHANNEL? Everyone is a channel of Light and healing in some form. Regarding channelling specific material from the ascended realms, if this was a part of your agreement then, ego aside, becoming a channel will resonate with you. If all the planet’s billions of people were meant to channel as a pre-requisite to ascension, we might be here for another 26,000-year cycle! If you are meant to channel, then you will already be trained for it (as were all Lightworkers for their particular jobs), so you won’t need to go somewhere to ‘learn to channel.’ Although channelling appears to have some glamour attached to it, it is just another job. It doesn’t mean someone is more evolved or special. If channelling is addressed with humility, surrender and service, then a high level of truth can be brought through. If these qualities are not present, channelling can be distorted as it is filters through the lower bodies. Because there was no original agreement made with the higher realms, people who channel from an ego desire, often encourage lower dimensional beings who profess to be from higher dimensions. We all ultimately learn the value of following what truly resonates in our heart to do. Therein lies the joy.

HOW DO I ACT AS A MASTER WHEN I FEEL LIKE A VICTIM? Stop feeling like a victim. What is left is the alternative - a Master.

HOW DO I RECOGNISE MIS-INFORMATION? If you feel something isn’t right, it isn’t! Trust your inherent ability to distinguish the difference. Nothing is more reliable than your own inner guidance. Trust it with all your heart and soul. Be your own counsel. If you perceive a negative energy, you don’t need to also decide that this energy is good or bad, right or wrong. That is a third dimensional belief pattern of judgement. The goal of negative energy is to further people away from source. As a Lightworker, this would not be a goal you would align with, so you may choose to withdraw your support, energy and power from this activity. However, you don’t also need to withdraw your unconditional love. ‘Unconditional’ means just that. It doesn’t mean ‘I will only love you if you work with positive energy and do things that I think are right!’

WHEN WILL I ASCEND? This occurs when it is completely right in Divine Order. You don’t get whisked out of here at an inappropriate moment. It is not something that is done to you! Ascension is a do-it-yourself affair. You go when you are ready. For ascension to occur you will have completed what you came to Earth to do. Any dense energies in your emotional and mental bodies will have been transmuted into a higher frequency. You will be in balance. Your outlook will be one of joy, harmony and peace. You will not still be making statements like ‘When the heck do I get out of here!’ and ‘I hope this is my last physical incarnation!’ Your desire to leave will be equal to your desire to remain. When all this is in order, you may find yourself ascending with your Twin Flame and heading for the ‘completion of mission’ banquet!

SO WHAT DO I NEED TO DO? Be yourself. This means LET GO of everything that is not YOU - all the barriers you have erected, all the beliefs, justifications, criticisms, judgements, negative thoughts, unwanted emotions, the ‘shoulds, needs and musts’ and the effort you put into controlling your life. The idea of letting go or surrendering control can bring up fear in us. But there is nothing to fear. You don’t lose your identity and become absorbed into some great unknown! Surrendering means you are more in tune with the consciousness of the universe. This helps you act with a deep understanding of what is best for whole Self. The real you – Spirit - has a caring, love and depth of compassion that goes far beyond what you experience though your emotional body. Surrendering brings an ease and joy to life that will make you wonder why you didn’t do it earlier.

AND IN A WORD! Intuition. (inner- tuition)

You are - giving the best help possible; completing your agreements; balancing your karma; merging with your I Am Presence; integrating or creating your Lightbody; becoming the God qualities you have chosen to reflect on Earth; transmuting any dense energies in your lower bodies; resuming your power, wisdom, abilities and mastery; passing or exchanging any necessary codes to people or places; receiving highest guidance; experiencing a stunning sequence of synchronicities; on your ascension path; connecting with the right people; attracting the signs to show you the way; in the right place at the right time; merging closer with your Twin Flame; experiencing situations optimum for your learning; aware you have the abilities and powers you need in any given moment; positive, confident, aware, wise, loving, compassionate, understanding, non-judgmental and centred; regaining your multi-dimensional awareness; completing your contract; moving into inner joy; fun, excitement, fulfilment and love; trusting yourself and the absolute perfection and magnificence of the process of Divine Order -

Would like to thank Sandy Stevenson for this wonderful article and Karen for sending it to me and asking that I pass it on. This is a very good read that I hope will assist some of YOU on your life's journey and, just plain daily living.

"The more YOU know, the more YOU grow,
The more YOU grow, the further YOU go"

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Living For YOU

Living For Ourselves, Trying To Please Others

Most of us come to a point in our lives when we question why we are doing what we are doing, and many of us come to realize that we may be living our lives in an effort to make our parents happy. This realization can dawn when we are in our 20s, our 40s, or even later, depending upon how tight a hold our family of origin has on our psyche. We may feel shocked or depressed by this information, but we can trust that it is coming to us at this time because we are ready to find out what it would mean to live our lives for ourselves, following the call of our own soul, and refusing any longer to be beholden to someone else’s expectations.

One of the most common reasons we are so tied into making our parents, or others, happy, is that we were not properly mirrored when we were children. We were not honored as individuals in our own right, with a will and purpose of our own, to be determined by our own unfolding. As a result, we learned to look outside of ourselves for approval, support, and direction rather than look within. The good news is that the part of us that was not adequately nurtured is still there, inside us, like a seed that has not yet received the sunlight and moisture it needs to open and to allow its inner contents to unfurl. It is never too late to provide ourselves with what we need to awaken this inner being.

There are many ways to create a safe container for ourselves so that we can turn within and shine the light of awareness there. We may join a support group, go to therapy, or start a practice of journaling every day for half an hour. This experience of becoming is well worth the difficult work that may be required of us to get there. In whatever process we choose, we may feel worse before we feel better, but we will ultimately find out how to live our lives for ourselves and how to make ourselves happy.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is trying to live for everyone else and their expectations. I see it and hear it every day. Most of these people are "miserable to the max". As well they should be. They are not living for themselves and are cheating themselves out of what should be.

As a friend and teacher of mine said, "this is not a group tour". "This is one souls journey". This is so true. We should try to make the best of it. That endeavor lies exclusively with us.

Honor Yourself, Live YOU,

Monday, March 3, 2008

Crystal Energy- Spontaneous DNA

Crystal Energy - Spontaeous DNA
The Rise to Fourth Density


Everything in the universe vibrates and oscillates. Therefore the connecting link between all forms of energy is vibration, sympathetic harmony, and resonance. Dr. Dan Burisch, David Wilcock, and others have discovered that a simply quartz crystal, electricity, and water are all the ingredients needed to create a medium for spontaneous DNA to appear in the vacuum..

10 min.


Friend Connect
