
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Twin Flame Energy

The Twin Flame Energy
Seeding the New Energy in the Netherlands
by Celia Fenn

There are alot of souls out there that are still trying to get a handle on "twin flame". Maybe this posting, based on a workshop held in the Netherlands with Celia Fenn, will give YOU some guidance. The operative word here is "guidance". As I always state, "your perceptions and knowledge and rememberances are what matters to YOU". Enjoy!

This was undoubetdly the most energetic and controversial of the workshops. The workshop was presented by myself and Ian Henderson of the Netherlands. The topic we chose continues to be controversial and, I think, much misunderstood. Or, should I say, that most people's understanding of what the Twin Flame energy is about derives from Old Energy paradigms. The function of the Twin Flame energy is the New Earth is indeed quite different, and , as Archangel Michael keeps saying, it is the basis upon which we will create the New Earth.

Well, I can say that after this experience I have a very clear perspective on what this energy is all about. I will start by saying that it is NOT about a great Romantic relationship between two people. It is not about "finding the other half of your Soul"! While the idea the someone out there may hold the key to your happiness, and that all you have to do is find them and become whole, may be deeply comforting, it is indeed just a form of co-dependence. Maybe the ultimate form of co-dependence. "I need you to be whole". This is just not true. Each of us must become One and Whole within ourselves before we can venture into the area of the Twin Flame.

The Twin Flame is not a "person" that you find, but a spiritual experience that can be created and re-created. It is an energy that is within you and within all living and sentient beings. It is the energy of the Source and the Creator! It requires maturity, love and acceptance, to be strong enough and compassionate enough to engage this energy and its tremendous power. It is indeed the raw power of Creation based in Love and Desire and Manifestation. It is the original template of Love as given by the Divine Source.

Re-Creating the Original Split and its Unification into One: The "Pulse" of the Cosmos

In the beginning....the Source or Creator was "One" and "Whole". But the desire to know the "Self" through another led to split of that One into two, so that the Source could see itself through the eyes of the "other". But the "other" was the "self", and so the wonderful experience was created of seeing yourself through the eyes of another, and experiencing who you truly Are.

Now, this is the basis of all relationshsips, but the closer that the relationship gets to expressing the pure Twin Flame energy, the more powerful the Divinity and Creativity within that relationship.

For in the "beginning", as it is known, the Source divided into two - electrical/masculine and magnetic/feminine. And from these two energies, all Creation streamed forth. And so, the gift that is given is the gift of Reversing the "split" to become One and United, in order to release the intense creative power of the original Manifestation into Love. So, when the Twin Flame energy is engaged, whether between two people or between groups of people, a POWERFUL process is engaged in which those who participate can access deep wellsprings of creative power and love within themselves and as a group.

For the purpose of the New Earth is to work as a Group and in groups and communties. Those who can access this archetypal energy and release the power of their inner being through the energy of the Twin Flame will be those who create and manifest peace and love on the planet.

The Twin Flame in Personal Relationships

Since the Twin Flame is not a person, but an experience, the idea of looking for a person or discovering a particular person is no longer valid. The long and painful processes that some people enage within in order to be "clear" enough or loving enough or whatever else, is just an illusion that comes from the old energy understanding of what Love is.

Love is not something that you have to work for and attempt to develop. It is not an exam that you need to pass and the Twin Flame is not a graduation present.

You are already LOVE MADE MANIFEST. When you can fully accept that - then you are ready to engage with the Twin Flame. While you are still trying to heal yourself and clear yourself, you are not love made manifest, you are in illusion, and you will not be able to hold the power of the Twin Flame, which burns brightly and without illusion.

When you can fully accept this Grace and your own Power, you will attract a partner who will accept both your power and their own. For the essence of the Twin Flame as a personal relationship is to attract a compatible soul mate with whom you can create a balanced and harmonious relationship. Then you can work together to allow the Twin Flame energy to flame forth. In this process, each partner holds a particular energy, whether divine masculine or divine feminine, or electrical or magnetic, or whatever you would like to call it. Then you allow your partner to hold one energy and you hold the other, and together you recreate the Divine energy of Creation. Together, you become the original One Soul, and then you separate and become the Two again.

It is this "pulse" that is so important. You cannot be "One" all the time, you need to move between the "One" and the "Two" in order to keep your own identity and your own personal power, while also engaging in the Power of the Two who become One.

The Cosmos works on this principle of the "breath" of God - inbreath and outbreath. Pulses of Love and Energy. One becomes Two. Two becomes One. The Power of Creation and Birth.

It is a great privilege to share this energy within a relationship, and it is not a matter of finding the "right" person in the outer world. It is a matter of being the right person for yourself and releasing all ideas about searching for another person to create the One. When you can be the One within yourself, then you can also Be that with another, and with others.
The key is Self-Acceptance! You Are the God or Goddess - you are the Divine Spark in Human Form. You Are the Twin Flame energy in manifestation. You are what You Are!

So, those who truly wish to experience the Twin Flame within a relationship, will first create harmonious and loving relationships in absolute integrity and truth. First with themselves, and then with others. Then you can create a personal Twin Flame relationship. This will not need to destroy other relationships. You will not need to leave your present partner to "be with your Twin". This is an illusion, and is usually used by people who lack the courage to make changes in their lives and relationships. Your "twin" is primarily within you and is a part of your energy and being. When you can be with yourself in absolute integrity and love, then you will be able to "be with your twin" in a relationship of absolute integrity and love. This will hurt no one and will bring only Love and Joy. Anything else is not a Twin Flame relationship.

How else can I say - your Twin is within you and you gift that energy to your partner within your relationship.Only if you can honor yourself can you honor your partner enough to gift them with your energy. And, only when you honor them, can you receive and hold their energy in love and compassion. And then, you can become Twin Flames, when the energy is this pure and clear and when all is held in absolute truth, integrity and love.

Peace, Love & Twin Flame,

Friday, November 7, 2008

Prosperity Pt 7 (Last Part)

The Return to Innocence

We have tried every strategy to get to the truth of our beingness. Prosperity, lack, richness, poverty, renunciation. It is time to return to innocence; it is time to be children again; the things in the world of form are your toys to play with in this big playroom we call earth. These things of form, these toys are yours to play with until they have worn out, broken, or you have outgrown them. If you have outgrown your toys then pass them on to the younger kid next door. When you have outgrown all your toys and are bored with them, then you can know the truth of your beingness.

Who you truly are does not experience lack, or abundance for that matter. If a thing helps you to accomplish your mission of self awareness and awareness of All That Is, and the Co-Creation of Heaven on Earth, then it is of use to you - you have abundance. If it does not, then it's a burden. A million dollars can be a burden if you are unable to be who you are because of your clinging to it and fear of losing it. Abundance and prosperity are a given in true reality and all things in this physical world are denser forms of higher dimensional realities. Behind theft, greed, envy, lust, and gluttony, (manifestations of lack and unworthy), is the truth and vision that all things are free, temporary and cannot really be owned. That there is truly abundance, more than enough for everyone. Behind prosperity is the vision of instant manifestation, of being able to have everything for nothing without having to work, or earn them or prove your worth to have them.

What do you want? Now what do you really want? Now what do you really want? Now what do you really want? - You can trace this question to the divine plan: to what you truly want, that which you truly are, that which the Divine Plan is manifesting through you.

True prosperity is awareness of self - the rest is an illusion - a fantasy - merely something to have fun with and utilize to help you with your mission of manifesting 'yourself ' here into this reality. True prosperity is rediscovering the truth of your Eternal Divine Beingness; the awareness of Who You Truly Are; that unchangeable self, always present, amongst all the turmoil and drama and joy and suffering; that which truly experiences / witnesses all that you do, see, feel, think and experience.

Be Who You Truly Are!

Enough Said,

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Israeli Grave Reveals Female Shaman

Hupa Indian Female Shaman
12,000-Year-Old Shaman Grave Found

LONDON (Nov. 3) - An ancient grave unearthed in modern-day Israel containing 50 tortoise shells, a human foot and body parts from numerous animals is likely one of the earliest known shaman burial sites, researchers said on Monday.

The 12,000-year-old grave dates back to the Natufian people who were the first society to adopt a sedentary lifestyle, Hebrew University of Jerusalem researcher Leore Grosman and colleagues said.

"The interment rituals and the method used to construct and seal the grave suggest this is the burial of an ancient shaman, one of the earliest known from the archaeological record," they wrote in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Shamans play an important role in many cultures, mediating between the human and spiritual worlds and acting as messengers, healers, magicians to serve the community, the researchers said.

The Israeli team found the bones in a small cave in the lower Galilee region of present-day Israel that was a Natufian burial ground for a least 28 people.

At the time of burial, more than 10 large stones were placed directly on the head, pelvis, and arms of the elderly woman whose body was laid on its side. The legs were spread apart and folded inward at the knee.

The special treatment of the body and use of stones to keep it in a certain position suggests the woman held a unique position in the community, likely some sort of a shaman, the researchers said.

"The burial of the woman...is unlike any burial found in the Natufian or the preceding Palaeolithic periods," Grosman's team wrote. "We argue that this burial is consistent with expectations for a shaman's grave."

The woman was also interred with some unusual grave goods, including the complete tortoise shells and select body-parts of a wild boar, an eagle, a cow, a leopard, and two martens, as well as a complete human foot.

The grave portrays several hallmarks that later become central in the spiritual arena of cultures worldwide, the researchers added.

"Tortoises, cow tails, eagle wings, and fur-bearing animals continue to play important symbolic and shamanistic roles in the spiritual arena of human cultures worldwide today," they wrote.

"It seems that the woman in the Natufian burial was perceived as being in a close relationship with these animal spirits."

For those of YOU that do NOT know that much about "shamanism", this following may help.

Shamanism is a range of traditional beliefs and practices concerned with communication with the spirit world. A practitioner of shamanism is known as a shaman. There are many variations of shamanism throughout the world; following are beliefs that are shared by all forms of shamanism:[1]

Spirits exist and they play important roles both in individual lives and in human society.
The shaman can communicate with the spirit world.
Spirits can be good or evil.
The shaman can treat sickness caused by evil spirits.
The shaman can employ
trance inducing techniques to incite visionary ecstasy.
The shaman's spirit can leave the body to enter the
supernatural world to search for answers.
The shaman evokes animal images as
spirit guides, omens, and message-bearers.

Shamanism is based on the premise that the visible world is pervaded by invisible forces or spirits which affect the lives of the living.[2] In contrast to organized religions like animism or animatism which are lead by priests and which all members of a society practice, shamanism requires individualized knowledge and special abilities. Shaman operate outside established religions, and, traditionally, they operate alone. Shaman can gather into associations, as Indian tantric practitioners have done. For more info, go to Shamanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Opyn Mindz" Rule,

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Prosperity Pt 6

Ascended Master

The current use of money is a result of the illusion of ownership, and a result of the old illusion of unworthy. We use money to imply worthiness of objects and people, depending on our perceptions of them. Typically humans prove their worth by how much "abundance" they have; by how much form they have amassed. The more worthy objects we have around us the less unworthy we feel. Obviously this is a strategy to avoid suffering, and of course all strategies will eventually fail, eventually you will have to look your suffering right in the face. This illusion is what created the industrial / technological civilization of today - proof of worth.

Money was originally designed by the Ascended masters to redistribute wealth hoarded and controlled by the monarchic/religious/political systems that operated on the planet. Of course this plan was disrupted by these systems and later by similar arising corporate systems and the technological age. But we as planetary transition team members, (Light Workers), have Divine dispensation to completely alter these monetary systems on this planet. With our weapon of pure consciousness we are irradicating the illusions of lack and unworthy. Our personal and planetary transition to higher overtones of the 4th dimension are enabling instant manifestation, a realm where prosperity reigns supreme and cannot be manipulated by illusory power structures of the 3rd dimension. The force of evolution is upon us all, you have no choice in the matter, you can flow with it or "try" to resist it, regardless, you will be overtaken. In the words of the Borg - resistance is futile. (You Trekkers know what I'm talking about). Like the Borg this force has no mercy, but unlike the Borg it is the embodiment of complete compassion. Wake Up To Your Divine Beingness - The Time Is Now!

At this point you can be truly passionately grateful for whatever you have. You will have no more adversarial relationships with any of the monetary delivery system. Universal paychecks arrive in many forms. You no longer need to try to control any of the systems on the planet to give you what you need. You know where all things come from. Prosperity is yours by divine right, and it is something you have now regardless of your monetary status. You are prosperity itself ! Nothing is ours and everything is ours, because we are part of All That Is.

With this shift in consciousness, money will no longer be used on planet earth. We won't even trade things, we will just know what is ours by divine right. If we have it then it is temporarily ours, if we do not, then it is not ours. If someone has something that is to be passed on to us they will know it. If we have something that is to be passed on to someone else we will know it. We will provide services to others because it occurs to us to do so, it will be a joy to serve others in any manner and no one will have any expectation of return.

Many of us in the spiritually active community have had success, and "prosperity". Houses, cars, stereos, TVs, art, music, money, status, fame, glamour - these were wonderful, convenient, pleasing things to have and experience, but soon we became bored with our toys and experiences. All the toys and distractions in the world did not fill the gap - the longing of oneness with All That Is. They only staved off the suffering temporarily; they did not fulfill us, and they did not lead us any closer to the truth of our beingness. They did not really make us more powerful, or have more control. The happiness was temporary as the excitement wore off.

There are quite a few souls out there that need to read this repeatedly. If YOU read this "prosperity" series "opyn mindedly", it should take YOU to a whole new level of YOU and perspective on life and being.

"YOU make money, money does not make YOU,"

Friend Connect
