
Friday, November 7, 2008

Prosperity Pt 7 (Last Part)

The Return to Innocence

We have tried every strategy to get to the truth of our beingness. Prosperity, lack, richness, poverty, renunciation. It is time to return to innocence; it is time to be children again; the things in the world of form are your toys to play with in this big playroom we call earth. These things of form, these toys are yours to play with until they have worn out, broken, or you have outgrown them. If you have outgrown your toys then pass them on to the younger kid next door. When you have outgrown all your toys and are bored with them, then you can know the truth of your beingness.

Who you truly are does not experience lack, or abundance for that matter. If a thing helps you to accomplish your mission of self awareness and awareness of All That Is, and the Co-Creation of Heaven on Earth, then it is of use to you - you have abundance. If it does not, then it's a burden. A million dollars can be a burden if you are unable to be who you are because of your clinging to it and fear of losing it. Abundance and prosperity are a given in true reality and all things in this physical world are denser forms of higher dimensional realities. Behind theft, greed, envy, lust, and gluttony, (manifestations of lack and unworthy), is the truth and vision that all things are free, temporary and cannot really be owned. That there is truly abundance, more than enough for everyone. Behind prosperity is the vision of instant manifestation, of being able to have everything for nothing without having to work, or earn them or prove your worth to have them.

What do you want? Now what do you really want? Now what do you really want? Now what do you really want? - You can trace this question to the divine plan: to what you truly want, that which you truly are, that which the Divine Plan is manifesting through you.

True prosperity is awareness of self - the rest is an illusion - a fantasy - merely something to have fun with and utilize to help you with your mission of manifesting 'yourself ' here into this reality. True prosperity is rediscovering the truth of your Eternal Divine Beingness; the awareness of Who You Truly Are; that unchangeable self, always present, amongst all the turmoil and drama and joy and suffering; that which truly experiences / witnesses all that you do, see, feel, think and experience.

Be Who You Truly Are!

Enough Said,

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