
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Soul Mates & Twin Flames Part 1

Over the short period of time that I have been posting, and, discovering my "spirituality", aside from animal concerns, "soul mates and twin flames" seem to be on or near the top of most souls knowledge searching priorities. Therefore, I will pass this multi-part article onto all those interested souls. Enjoy! Remember, keep "opyn mindz".

Soul Mates are souls we have met and lived with in many life times.

They have been our lovers, spouses, mothers, fathers,sisters, brothers, teachers, students, friends, and family,or even our enemies, victims, or tormenters.

We contract with these souls to return to earth togetherfor greater learning and growth.

We have many soul mates, the first larger splitting of souls. These souls resonate with us and there is a comfort in that recognition. We evolve and reincarnate with these souls through many lifetimes, learning lessons in our many unions and partings, you can say on some level we are all soul mates one with another, learning and growing together.

Not all these lessons are loving or comforting as lessons in forgiveness and unconditional love are challenging. Sometimes we are the "victim", and sometimes we are the "darkness" that shows another soul their light.

This is where freewill and choice comes into the "game", how we react or perceive our relationships. Someone can come into your life and cause you much pain and suffering, this is a soul contract between you to grow and evolve in love and forgiveness. This is one perception of karma, and one that will free you from the karmic cycle of "I kill you, now you kill me" type of karmic dance some souls are involved in for many lifetimes.

You break the cycle by acting rather than reacting, by freeing the ego from the soul and learning to love and forgive even in suffering.

Our greatest joy and our greatest pain are both conceived in these soul mate relationships, our feelings intensified by our soul connections, whether for good or bad.

You can often spot a soul mate or karmic relationship by "love at first site" or "revulsion at first site", depending upon the lessons you've contracted to learn from this soul.

Part 2 of this posting will be up next. In the meantime, check out this unbelievable site that I discovered. It fits right in with what we are talking about here and, is one of the coolest sites I have seen.Spiritual Enhancement & Energy Renewal Services Offered by Patty Cauley

"The more YOU know, the more YOU grow,
The more YOU grow, the further YOU go

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