
Friday, October 3, 2008

Prosperity Pt 1

This is the first in a seven part article called "Prosperity" by ZaKaiRan. It will play with your mind and, hopefully stimulate your soul. Enjoy and feel free to leave a comment if YOU choose.


Abundance: more than enough : amply sufficient. Prosperity: thriving condition : success : economic well being.

Prosperity is a concept of the mind that is in direct opposition to lack. In other words you cannot have prosperity without lack. Concepts of the mind are illusions, therefor prosperity and abundance are illusions.

True prosperity is not relying on lack or abundance to fulfill you. True prosperity, is not relying on anything in the world of form to give you what you need. True prosperity is the knowledge that you do not need anything. Natural abundance is the truth of your beingness that is not reliant upon anything from the world of illusion, what we call reality.

True prosperity is finding that which needs no abundance, nor needs to avoid lack. It is discovering that which you truly are. The awareness of that which is permanent, unchangeable, eternal - that is not concerned about rich or poor, sick or healthy, happy or sad - these are merely states of being that 'all that you are' is aware of.

True Prosperity is not defined by anything in the world of form. Prosperity is not a thing that can be obtained; if it is something that can be obtained then it can be lost. If it can be lost then it is not real, and therefor it is not real prosperity. If it can be obtained or lost then it is an image of prosperity, a form representing prosperity. Don't look to abundance to fix your life, to take your suffering away. Abundance is something you are, not something you get! You are prosperity itself!

Our usual version of prosperity is based on form. If you have a lot of forms around you then you are prosperous. If you are prosperous in this manner then you are perceived to be doing something correctly. In the old version it meant you were a hard worker or good at business, or lucky. In the new age version you are a good manifestor, knowledgeable of spiritual principles and universal reality. You have good self esteem and love yourself so that abundance comes your way.

Both these lines of thought are illusion because thought is illusion. You can have all the positive thoughts in the world and they are going to manifest didly squat for you. Who you truly are is not concerned about abundance and prosperity. Your spirit manifests for you what it thinks will best assist you with your awakening to self. If you need riches to be tricked into awakening then you will have riches. If you need poverty to be coerced into the discovering the truth of your beingness then you will have poverty. If you need loving, successful, caring relationships to wake up to your beingness then you will have them. If you need to have uncaring, selfish relationships to wake up to who you truly are then you will have these types of relationships.

Part 2 will follow soon.

Tune Into YOU,

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