
Sunday, December 28, 2008

"2012" Are YOU Prepared?


The World Is A Ghetto - WAR
Regardless of whether YOU believe or not, "2012" is coming. As my fellow enlightened soul Terrell Ali Bey stated above, and has been stated for thousands of years by various prophets, scholars, teachers, seers and knowing souls, "it could be the end of manys world, however, the planet will still survive and thrive".

Here are a couple videos for the upcoming Roland Emmerich movie "2012". Enjoy!

"The more YOU know, the longer YOU live,"

Bobby Sharpe 2012 - Official Movie Site "Dragon, Book Of Shang": "Dragon, Book Of Shang" / Vermithrax Video

Friday, December 19, 2008

Seeing The Soul Within

Discovering True Selves
Soul Seeing

When we want to see deeply into the heart and mind of another person, soul seeing, also called soul gazing, allows us to see their soul. The soul is the purest expression of an individual and is not bound by physical forms or fleeting emotions. Through a simple art that involves looking deeply into a partner’s eyes, soul seeing can show you a person’s inner beauty that you might otherwise miss. It is possible for someone who appears cold to have a warm, giving, nurturing soul or someone of average appearance to have a beautiful soul. Soul seeing is a way of looking past shapes, sizes, attitudes, and behavior to see the real individual that lies beneath the surface. It allows you to see the true essence of another person, the radiance of their being, and their spirit within.

Soul seeing is accomplished by sitting face to face with another person. It is helpful to first state your intention before you begin. As you stare softly into each other’s eyes without stopping to look away, each of your souls is revealed to the other. Try not to look for anything in particular or seek traits you’re hoping to find. Simply let the other person’s soul reveal itself to you. After twenty minutes have passed, stay where you are and share a period of silent reflection with your partner for two minutes. You may have suddenly seen your partner’s inner nature as clearly as a bright day, or you may need to meditate on your experience before you feel comfortable with your impressions. Either way, soul seeing can be a wonderfully intimate and shared experience.

So little of who each of us is can be captured by our appearance or personality. The thoughts, fears, desires, and longings that are part of what makes us whole are not always written across our faces. Often, the most surprising thing you may learn while soul seeing is that while you and the other person may appear on the surface to be quite different, you actually share many of the same inner qualities. And then there is the unique beauty that resides within that is longing to be revealed to another who is willing to see. Soul seeing can help you experience the people in your life as they truly are, beyond any mental barriers or physical limitations.

This is something that is new to me and some of my fellow souls. However, it does sound very interesting and inviting. The catch is, "finding the right person to do this with". They have to be as intuned as YOU and understand what YOU are doing and trying to achieve. If any of YOU have had this experience, or, plan on having it, please comment and let the rest of us know what YOU experienced.

"Experience The Soul Within",

Friday, December 12, 2008

Animals, The Greatest Teachers

Wild Wisdom
Animals As Teachers

Since prehistoric times, animals have acted as companions to humans on their journey toward enlightenment. Animals as disparate in character as house pets, birds, sea creatures, and insects have been our mentors, teachers, and guides. There is much we can learn from animals, as they offer us the unique opportunity to transcend the human perspective. Unlike human teachers, animals can only impart their wisdom by example, and we learn from them by observation. An animal teacher can be a beloved pet or an animal in the wild. You may even find yourself noticing the animals in your backyard. Even robins and bumblebees have lessons to share with you.

Animals teach us in a variety of ways about behavior, habit, and instinct. House pets embody an unconditional love that remains unchanged in the face of our shape, size, age, race, or gender. They care little for the differences between us and them and simply enjoy loving and being loved. Our pets encourage us to let our guards down, have fun, and take advantage of every opportunity to enjoy life. You can also learn lessons from the animals you encounter in the wild if you take the time to observe their habits. Cold-blooded animals show us adaptability and sensitivity to one’s environment. Mammals serve as examples of nurturing and playfulness. Animals that live in oceans, lakes, and rivers demonstrate the value of movement and grace. It is even possible to learn from insects that live in highly structured communities that everyone plays a vital role.

Animals teach us about life, death, survival, sacrifice, and responsibility. If you find yourself drawn to a particular animal, ask yourself which of its traits you find most intriguing and think about how you might mimic those traits. Think of what you might learn from observing the little bird on your windowsill or the mosquito buzzing around a picnic table. Animals express themselves with abandon, freedom, and integrity. It’s natural to be drawn to the wisdom offered by our animal teachers, and in doing so, discover what is natural and true within you.

As I always say, and have said, "our Siberian is smarter than most of the people I know" and "knows stuff we can only imagine". Animals are what we should be.

"Animals Rule",

Bobby Sharpe "Dragon, Book Of Shang": "Dragon, Book Of Shang" / Vermithrax Video Bobby Sharpe's "Animalz": Dogs - Fair & Smart

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Twin Flame Energy

The Twin Flame Energy
Seeding the New Energy in the Netherlands
by Celia Fenn

There are alot of souls out there that are still trying to get a handle on "twin flame". Maybe this posting, based on a workshop held in the Netherlands with Celia Fenn, will give YOU some guidance. The operative word here is "guidance". As I always state, "your perceptions and knowledge and rememberances are what matters to YOU". Enjoy!

This was undoubetdly the most energetic and controversial of the workshops. The workshop was presented by myself and Ian Henderson of the Netherlands. The topic we chose continues to be controversial and, I think, much misunderstood. Or, should I say, that most people's understanding of what the Twin Flame energy is about derives from Old Energy paradigms. The function of the Twin Flame energy is the New Earth is indeed quite different, and , as Archangel Michael keeps saying, it is the basis upon which we will create the New Earth.

Well, I can say that after this experience I have a very clear perspective on what this energy is all about. I will start by saying that it is NOT about a great Romantic relationship between two people. It is not about "finding the other half of your Soul"! While the idea the someone out there may hold the key to your happiness, and that all you have to do is find them and become whole, may be deeply comforting, it is indeed just a form of co-dependence. Maybe the ultimate form of co-dependence. "I need you to be whole". This is just not true. Each of us must become One and Whole within ourselves before we can venture into the area of the Twin Flame.

The Twin Flame is not a "person" that you find, but a spiritual experience that can be created and re-created. It is an energy that is within you and within all living and sentient beings. It is the energy of the Source and the Creator! It requires maturity, love and acceptance, to be strong enough and compassionate enough to engage this energy and its tremendous power. It is indeed the raw power of Creation based in Love and Desire and Manifestation. It is the original template of Love as given by the Divine Source.

Re-Creating the Original Split and its Unification into One: The "Pulse" of the Cosmos

In the beginning....the Source or Creator was "One" and "Whole". But the desire to know the "Self" through another led to split of that One into two, so that the Source could see itself through the eyes of the "other". But the "other" was the "self", and so the wonderful experience was created of seeing yourself through the eyes of another, and experiencing who you truly Are.

Now, this is the basis of all relationshsips, but the closer that the relationship gets to expressing the pure Twin Flame energy, the more powerful the Divinity and Creativity within that relationship.

For in the "beginning", as it is known, the Source divided into two - electrical/masculine and magnetic/feminine. And from these two energies, all Creation streamed forth. And so, the gift that is given is the gift of Reversing the "split" to become One and United, in order to release the intense creative power of the original Manifestation into Love. So, when the Twin Flame energy is engaged, whether between two people or between groups of people, a POWERFUL process is engaged in which those who participate can access deep wellsprings of creative power and love within themselves and as a group.

For the purpose of the New Earth is to work as a Group and in groups and communties. Those who can access this archetypal energy and release the power of their inner being through the energy of the Twin Flame will be those who create and manifest peace and love on the planet.

The Twin Flame in Personal Relationships

Since the Twin Flame is not a person, but an experience, the idea of looking for a person or discovering a particular person is no longer valid. The long and painful processes that some people enage within in order to be "clear" enough or loving enough or whatever else, is just an illusion that comes from the old energy understanding of what Love is.

Love is not something that you have to work for and attempt to develop. It is not an exam that you need to pass and the Twin Flame is not a graduation present.

You are already LOVE MADE MANIFEST. When you can fully accept that - then you are ready to engage with the Twin Flame. While you are still trying to heal yourself and clear yourself, you are not love made manifest, you are in illusion, and you will not be able to hold the power of the Twin Flame, which burns brightly and without illusion.

When you can fully accept this Grace and your own Power, you will attract a partner who will accept both your power and their own. For the essence of the Twin Flame as a personal relationship is to attract a compatible soul mate with whom you can create a balanced and harmonious relationship. Then you can work together to allow the Twin Flame energy to flame forth. In this process, each partner holds a particular energy, whether divine masculine or divine feminine, or electrical or magnetic, or whatever you would like to call it. Then you allow your partner to hold one energy and you hold the other, and together you recreate the Divine energy of Creation. Together, you become the original One Soul, and then you separate and become the Two again.

It is this "pulse" that is so important. You cannot be "One" all the time, you need to move between the "One" and the "Two" in order to keep your own identity and your own personal power, while also engaging in the Power of the Two who become One.

The Cosmos works on this principle of the "breath" of God - inbreath and outbreath. Pulses of Love and Energy. One becomes Two. Two becomes One. The Power of Creation and Birth.

It is a great privilege to share this energy within a relationship, and it is not a matter of finding the "right" person in the outer world. It is a matter of being the right person for yourself and releasing all ideas about searching for another person to create the One. When you can be the One within yourself, then you can also Be that with another, and with others.
The key is Self-Acceptance! You Are the God or Goddess - you are the Divine Spark in Human Form. You Are the Twin Flame energy in manifestation. You are what You Are!

So, those who truly wish to experience the Twin Flame within a relationship, will first create harmonious and loving relationships in absolute integrity and truth. First with themselves, and then with others. Then you can create a personal Twin Flame relationship. This will not need to destroy other relationships. You will not need to leave your present partner to "be with your Twin". This is an illusion, and is usually used by people who lack the courage to make changes in their lives and relationships. Your "twin" is primarily within you and is a part of your energy and being. When you can be with yourself in absolute integrity and love, then you will be able to "be with your twin" in a relationship of absolute integrity and love. This will hurt no one and will bring only Love and Joy. Anything else is not a Twin Flame relationship.

How else can I say - your Twin is within you and you gift that energy to your partner within your relationship.Only if you can honor yourself can you honor your partner enough to gift them with your energy. And, only when you honor them, can you receive and hold their energy in love and compassion. And then, you can become Twin Flames, when the energy is this pure and clear and when all is held in absolute truth, integrity and love.

Peace, Love & Twin Flame,

Friday, November 7, 2008

Prosperity Pt 7 (Last Part)

The Return to Innocence

We have tried every strategy to get to the truth of our beingness. Prosperity, lack, richness, poverty, renunciation. It is time to return to innocence; it is time to be children again; the things in the world of form are your toys to play with in this big playroom we call earth. These things of form, these toys are yours to play with until they have worn out, broken, or you have outgrown them. If you have outgrown your toys then pass them on to the younger kid next door. When you have outgrown all your toys and are bored with them, then you can know the truth of your beingness.

Who you truly are does not experience lack, or abundance for that matter. If a thing helps you to accomplish your mission of self awareness and awareness of All That Is, and the Co-Creation of Heaven on Earth, then it is of use to you - you have abundance. If it does not, then it's a burden. A million dollars can be a burden if you are unable to be who you are because of your clinging to it and fear of losing it. Abundance and prosperity are a given in true reality and all things in this physical world are denser forms of higher dimensional realities. Behind theft, greed, envy, lust, and gluttony, (manifestations of lack and unworthy), is the truth and vision that all things are free, temporary and cannot really be owned. That there is truly abundance, more than enough for everyone. Behind prosperity is the vision of instant manifestation, of being able to have everything for nothing without having to work, or earn them or prove your worth to have them.

What do you want? Now what do you really want? Now what do you really want? Now what do you really want? - You can trace this question to the divine plan: to what you truly want, that which you truly are, that which the Divine Plan is manifesting through you.

True prosperity is awareness of self - the rest is an illusion - a fantasy - merely something to have fun with and utilize to help you with your mission of manifesting 'yourself ' here into this reality. True prosperity is rediscovering the truth of your Eternal Divine Beingness; the awareness of Who You Truly Are; that unchangeable self, always present, amongst all the turmoil and drama and joy and suffering; that which truly experiences / witnesses all that you do, see, feel, think and experience.

Be Who You Truly Are!

Enough Said,

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Israeli Grave Reveals Female Shaman

Hupa Indian Female Shaman
12,000-Year-Old Shaman Grave Found

LONDON (Nov. 3) - An ancient grave unearthed in modern-day Israel containing 50 tortoise shells, a human foot and body parts from numerous animals is likely one of the earliest known shaman burial sites, researchers said on Monday.

The 12,000-year-old grave dates back to the Natufian people who were the first society to adopt a sedentary lifestyle, Hebrew University of Jerusalem researcher Leore Grosman and colleagues said.

"The interment rituals and the method used to construct and seal the grave suggest this is the burial of an ancient shaman, one of the earliest known from the archaeological record," they wrote in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Shamans play an important role in many cultures, mediating between the human and spiritual worlds and acting as messengers, healers, magicians to serve the community, the researchers said.

The Israeli team found the bones in a small cave in the lower Galilee region of present-day Israel that was a Natufian burial ground for a least 28 people.

At the time of burial, more than 10 large stones were placed directly on the head, pelvis, and arms of the elderly woman whose body was laid on its side. The legs were spread apart and folded inward at the knee.

The special treatment of the body and use of stones to keep it in a certain position suggests the woman held a unique position in the community, likely some sort of a shaman, the researchers said.

"The burial of the woman...is unlike any burial found in the Natufian or the preceding Palaeolithic periods," Grosman's team wrote. "We argue that this burial is consistent with expectations for a shaman's grave."

The woman was also interred with some unusual grave goods, including the complete tortoise shells and select body-parts of a wild boar, an eagle, a cow, a leopard, and two martens, as well as a complete human foot.

The grave portrays several hallmarks that later become central in the spiritual arena of cultures worldwide, the researchers added.

"Tortoises, cow tails, eagle wings, and fur-bearing animals continue to play important symbolic and shamanistic roles in the spiritual arena of human cultures worldwide today," they wrote.

"It seems that the woman in the Natufian burial was perceived as being in a close relationship with these animal spirits."

For those of YOU that do NOT know that much about "shamanism", this following may help.

Shamanism is a range of traditional beliefs and practices concerned with communication with the spirit world. A practitioner of shamanism is known as a shaman. There are many variations of shamanism throughout the world; following are beliefs that are shared by all forms of shamanism:[1]

Spirits exist and they play important roles both in individual lives and in human society.
The shaman can communicate with the spirit world.
Spirits can be good or evil.
The shaman can treat sickness caused by evil spirits.
The shaman can employ
trance inducing techniques to incite visionary ecstasy.
The shaman's spirit can leave the body to enter the
supernatural world to search for answers.
The shaman evokes animal images as
spirit guides, omens, and message-bearers.

Shamanism is based on the premise that the visible world is pervaded by invisible forces or spirits which affect the lives of the living.[2] In contrast to organized religions like animism or animatism which are lead by priests and which all members of a society practice, shamanism requires individualized knowledge and special abilities. Shaman operate outside established religions, and, traditionally, they operate alone. Shaman can gather into associations, as Indian tantric practitioners have done. For more info, go to Shamanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Opyn Mindz" Rule,

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Prosperity Pt 6

Ascended Master

The current use of money is a result of the illusion of ownership, and a result of the old illusion of unworthy. We use money to imply worthiness of objects and people, depending on our perceptions of them. Typically humans prove their worth by how much "abundance" they have; by how much form they have amassed. The more worthy objects we have around us the less unworthy we feel. Obviously this is a strategy to avoid suffering, and of course all strategies will eventually fail, eventually you will have to look your suffering right in the face. This illusion is what created the industrial / technological civilization of today - proof of worth.

Money was originally designed by the Ascended masters to redistribute wealth hoarded and controlled by the monarchic/religious/political systems that operated on the planet. Of course this plan was disrupted by these systems and later by similar arising corporate systems and the technological age. But we as planetary transition team members, (Light Workers), have Divine dispensation to completely alter these monetary systems on this planet. With our weapon of pure consciousness we are irradicating the illusions of lack and unworthy. Our personal and planetary transition to higher overtones of the 4th dimension are enabling instant manifestation, a realm where prosperity reigns supreme and cannot be manipulated by illusory power structures of the 3rd dimension. The force of evolution is upon us all, you have no choice in the matter, you can flow with it or "try" to resist it, regardless, you will be overtaken. In the words of the Borg - resistance is futile. (You Trekkers know what I'm talking about). Like the Borg this force has no mercy, but unlike the Borg it is the embodiment of complete compassion. Wake Up To Your Divine Beingness - The Time Is Now!

At this point you can be truly passionately grateful for whatever you have. You will have no more adversarial relationships with any of the monetary delivery system. Universal paychecks arrive in many forms. You no longer need to try to control any of the systems on the planet to give you what you need. You know where all things come from. Prosperity is yours by divine right, and it is something you have now regardless of your monetary status. You are prosperity itself ! Nothing is ours and everything is ours, because we are part of All That Is.

With this shift in consciousness, money will no longer be used on planet earth. We won't even trade things, we will just know what is ours by divine right. If we have it then it is temporarily ours, if we do not, then it is not ours. If someone has something that is to be passed on to us they will know it. If we have something that is to be passed on to someone else we will know it. We will provide services to others because it occurs to us to do so, it will be a joy to serve others in any manner and no one will have any expectation of return.

Many of us in the spiritually active community have had success, and "prosperity". Houses, cars, stereos, TVs, art, music, money, status, fame, glamour - these were wonderful, convenient, pleasing things to have and experience, but soon we became bored with our toys and experiences. All the toys and distractions in the world did not fill the gap - the longing of oneness with All That Is. They only staved off the suffering temporarily; they did not fulfill us, and they did not lead us any closer to the truth of our beingness. They did not really make us more powerful, or have more control. The happiness was temporary as the excitement wore off.

There are quite a few souls out there that need to read this repeatedly. If YOU read this "prosperity" series "opyn mindedly", it should take YOU to a whole new level of YOU and perspective on life and being.

"YOU make money, money does not make YOU,"

Monday, October 27, 2008

Prosperity Pt 5

Where did lack come from?

It stems from the illusion of separation. From when we all first entered this dimension and we entered bodies, we experienced separation. We felt disconnected from the source, from All That Is. We experienced lack, and because we were in a world of form, we immediately looked to this world of form to resolve these feelings of lack for us, to fill the lack gap. We looked to the immediate environment to supply our needs. This is natural of course because our body is crying out for its survival needs to be met.

Where do things come from? - All things come from the Universal Source of All That Is. Resources do not come from people, jobs, businesses, governmental and banking systems, they are merely the delivery system for All That Is, and the divine plan, the universal love delivery system. And the divine plan is in charge of how much form you have manifested around you, how much "prosperity" you have. Passing on a form to someone that needs this form exchanges love. Love is all things so when you give anything to anyone for any reason you are the delivery person of love. Since all things are love how can you own love.

Ownership is an illusion. All forms are temporary, we have things for awhile until we are done with them, until we have learned all that we could about ourselves and All That Is via the temporary "ownership" of this object or person. When you can see from this perspective, you will be able to work with All That Is and the process of manifestation. You will not feel separate from this manifestation process because you know you 'are' manifestation.

Ownership implies separation and inherent in all ownership is greed and control over the object. Ownership implies lack, because if you own something, then someone else does not. Ownership immediately creates enemies, the haves and the have nots. The haves are afraid of losing what they "own" to the have nots. The have nots want what the haves have so they can be a haver and not a have not. Haves are afraid of becoming have nots. If everyone knew what was theirs by divine right - there would be no theft, no lack, no abundance, no jealousy, no infidelity, no envy, no victims, no police, no military, no governments etc.

Many of us have difficulties with this process of manifestation because we have made the political/business/banking conglomerate, (the universal energy circulation system) our enemy, instead of our friend. This circulation system is unable to transfer money to our universal accounts because of this adversarial relationship. We made them the enemy because we felt victimized by this greedy corporate political structure. They are the form hoarders, and we are the form releasers. In an old fashioned sense they are the haves and we are the have nots. "They are corrupt while we are pure". But luckily there are no victims in this universe, and we are all Divine Masters from the corporate fascist, to the bum on the street, to the spiritual warrior of the new age. Each is playing their part for the Divine plan in the grand drama of life and the Co-Creation of Heaven on Earth.

Everyone should read this to get a "different" perspective on YOU and your life here.

Know YOU,

Friday, October 17, 2008

Reincarnation And Reba McEntire

Reba McEntire Reincarnated

Although Reba McEntire fears that fellow Christians might criticize her for it, the singer says she believe she's been reincarnated.

"I believe I've gone both ways -- that I have been here before as a man," the 53-year-old (in this life, anyway) tells the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. "I believe I have spent time with my son Shelby before. I believe I have spent time with other people in my life before. Who knows? Maybe I'm part Buddhist."

As for reconciling her Christian faith with her belief in reincarnation, McEntire says, "I'm sorry, but this is how I live my life, this is what I believe."

In the same candid and often humorous interview, the country legend confesses her love for buying toilet paper in bulk at Costco.

"Why not buy 150 rolls of toilet paper at one time? I eventually use them up," she says with a laugh.

She also dishes on whether she'd rather star in a film about Britney Spears or Paris Hilton.

"Britney!" she exclaims. "She came up working in the music business, was a huge success, then something went wrong and now she's on a downside. Poor thing. What happened to her is very interesting to me.

Paris? She acquired her fame through being, I guess, a rich socialite. She didn't earn it, so she doesn't interest me.

"McEntire also reveals that the silliest thing she's done lately is karaoke-ing with Kelly Clarkson.

"She's half my age, but we have a blast together ..."

I think that is really pretty cool that Reba has publicly acknowledged what alot of people know and believe. Reincarnation! If your religion cant handle that, then maybe YOU don't need them after all.

Wake Up And Remember,

Monday, October 13, 2008

Prosperity Pt 4

True Manifestation

True manifestation, true alchemy, uses no illusions of power or control. True manifestation works synergetically with the Divine plan (All That Is) to do the manifesting. You are in partnership with All That Is and the Divine plan in the process of manifestation. This is the lesson of Moses using the staff to draw water (utilizing magical 4th dimensional powers) instead of drawing upon Gods power - the Divine plan of All That Is. True prosperity does not try to have or maintain control over anything. Personal manifestation is really an illusion, you only think that you personally manifest things. Manifestation is a co-creative effort in partnership with All That Is - all that you are.

Lack, prosperity, abundance - these are separation concepts of 3rd dimensional reality, part of the script that we adopted as part of this drama of limitation, to believe this illusion that we call reality. In true reality these concepts do not exist, because there is a natural state of prosperity within the wholeness of All That Is. In truth, everyone knows what is theirs by divine right, so there is no lack. Lack only exists because of our unawareness of universal principles and true reality.

Lack, prosperity and abundance are linked to our adoption of time as a part of this drama; the awareness of present time lack and a concept of future abundance that my lack will be irradicated when I have obtained the object. Time is an illusion; the future does not exist yet, so attempting to manifest from something that does not exist is a waste of time (pun intended). Therefor true manifestation can only happen now. A master does not try to manifest from or in the future, a master manifests now or more accurately realizes All That Is 'is' manifested now.

Need is an illusion based on lack, and manifestation is merely a process of awareness of what is here now. Awareness of the true eternal self, that which is always present, that which was present before conception, the unchangeable essence that you truly are; - when you are operating from this reality, then you do not need anything other then what you have now. If you "need" something and it is not here now, then you do not need it. Abundance is here now. Prosperity is here now. Nothing needs to be obtained because nothing exists. The world of form is an illusion, our creation, our painting, our play. Certainly you can manifest lots of illusions around you (including money, fame, real-estate, people etc.) but this is not real prosperity, not true abundance, and not real manifestation - only the illusions of them. When you know who you truly are, you know what is yours by divine right, you realize that you need nothing, and manifesting is not important.

There is so much "truth" and "coolness" in this part of this series, YOU have to read it over and over to let it really sink in. This is great!


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Prosperity Pt 3

Self Worth

Both the old and new versions dictated that your ability to manifest is directly proportional to your self worth; in this case how good you are at "being spiritual", instead of how good you are at business. But self worth is an illusion, so that strategy doesn't really work. It appears to work because other people are playing the same game, and seem to get a lot of money; but they are deluded too, because in truth this has manifested for them to teach them about self, about the truth of their beingness, about the fact that worthy/unworthy is an illusion.

Both the old and new versions are based on competition and a promise of power as a reward for being good and worthy. Whoever can come up with the best strategy to avoid lack and suffering, to manifest money, things, thus, creating the most distractions of fun and joy - wins. We are fooled to think that if we have the "ability" to obtain/manifest objects and wealth, then we have power. But power is an illusion. Manipulation is still manipulation even if it is disguised as spirituality. The universe will not be manipulated. All manifestation is co-creative.

Our feelings of lack, of separation, are denied temporarily when we delude ourselves with the acquisition of worthy items of prosperity. We are fooled by our own perception of worth, and objects. We believed that if we had things all around us then we had no lack. But this is bondage not freedom, because you have to continuously amass more and more money and objects from the world of form; hoard them, protect them, and hide them, to keep the feelings of lack and separation away. When you realize that nothing is yours and nothing is real then ownership is a joke. Then you truly treat "your" objects as toys, and just as a kid does, when s/he is bored with a toy s/he forgets about it and leaves it in a pile of unwanted discarded objects of the past.

What is your motivation for obtaining abundance? What strategy are you using to manifest "prosperity" - to get what you want? All strategies to obtain abundance are tricks of the mind, a linear based plan to avoid the perceived lack in your life, to avoid suffering. They are not real. And trying to avoid lack will only get you more lack. Your strategy is to obtain fulfillment, a false feeling of oneness with All That Is, by getting a new toy.

Your motivation for wanting things, in a sense, is what is keeping you from having it. Does what you want contribute to the divine plan, the co-creation of heaven on earth; does it assist you with further awareness of 'all that you are', or does it just satisfy some lack and make your life more convenient. This will enable you to see the true meaning of lust, envy and greed in your life and how we use it to deny our suffering.

Do you use failure to get what you want? Being "poor me" to get people to feel sorry for you and give you money. This is the nicer new age version to manipulate people and energies to get what you want; since many of us came up with the idea that money was evil. And do you sabotage yourself so that you won't "succeed", so that you won't have to leave your friends behind in their "failure".

Here's an exercise to see where you are in relationship with money: Picture yourself surrounded by a group of friends. They have no money, but you have $100,000. What do you do? Do you give the money away? Do you act like you are poor and hide the fact that you have money? Are you afraid to have more money than your friends because you will be seen as an evil corporate fascist? Do you have a program that says it is noble to be poor?

What about what Jesus said about giving up all material things. Was he talking about doing this literally, being destitute with no possessions and no creature comforts. Of course not, money and things of comfort are divine, as are all things, and abundance is yours by divine right. What he was talking about was giving up the world of form in consciousness. Giving up the world of form as being your God; your God that defines reality for you, that you utilize to deny the truth of your eternal beingness. By being in the world of form but not of it. (Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.)

All of the above versions of manifestation are based on the illusion that things are separate from us, therefor we must get them; but things are illusions, and there is nothing outside of self. You cannot obtain something without it being outside of you, so the concept of obtaining things is an illusion. If things are outside of you then they are separate from you. You cannot truly manifest anything that is separate from you because nothing is separate from you. Only your awareness that it is separate from you makes it separate from you. If you are not one with it, you are not one with All That Is.

Real manifestation recognizes and realizes oneness with All That Is. When you are one with All That Is you can manifest anything because anything is you, and nothing is you. You are one with all things, All That Is. Every thing is a creation of All That Is and you are part of All That Is, therefor you are one with all things. When this is reality for you, you can manifest anything because you are not separate from anything.

This is why Sai Baba can manifest anything, because he does not see himself separate from that thing that he is manifesting. Things are creations of All That Is, they are illusions; Sai Baba knows that all reality is an illusion; if all reality is illusion then no wonder it is so easy for him to manifest things. Sai Baba is a master of reality because he realizes that he does not need to manifest anything. A master of reality knows there is nothing to master, and nothing needs to be manifested. S/he knows that All That Is 'is' here now, therefor everything that is needed is here now.

Hope YOU enjoy Pt 3 of Prosperity. Pt 4 will follow shortly. Don't forget, play the song at the top of the post for a little background peace.

Tune Into YOU,

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Prosperity Pt 2

Cosmos Manifestation
For those of YOU who have not heard it yet, while YOU are reading this, play the song "Ancient Person Of My Heart". Just click the play icon. Don't think YOU will be disappointed.

What is Manifestation?

There are many versions of reality for manifestation. The old world manifested by manipulating and controlling apparent reality, utilizing the illusions of control, power, success and worth to get what they wanted. In all situations you had to prove your worth by working hard, being trustworthy and responsible. If you had money you could get more of it based on the fact that you could manage money well, proving you had worth. But many of us in the "new age" aren't too good at managing money because it is not our focus to amass riches to feel worthy, or prove our worth to an archaic decadent system.

In the new age we have tried to update manifestation to a less manipulative, more "enlightened" level, with "spiritual", 4th dimensional tactics utilizing: psychic intuitive senses, sorcery, universal principles, etc. The "new age" version proposes that if you love yourself; have self esteem; positive thoughts; can visualize well; meditate; and embody your personal power, then you will be powerful, prosperous and be able to manifest what you want. This strategy is just a new age version of the old world ways of manipulating energies.

Another "new age" practice is to attempt to get rid of all patterns of limitation and lack within your emotional thought structures that 'may be keeping you from manifesting what you want': i.e. money is evil, power corrupts, if you are rich you have worth, if your poor your worthless, it's not spiritual to accept money for doing spiritual work, it is noble to be poor, I'm not good enough, I am unworthy of prosperity, I never get a break, I always fail etc.

These are thoughts of limitation that we adopted to keep us off the trail of our own divinity; a veil of limitation, (disallowing our own magnificence), allowing us to play out this drama of "human having a spiritual experience"; so we would not be able to see or remember who we truly are, and realize the truth that we are 'spirits having a human experience'. To do this we adopted an ego structure that would provide us with dramatic thoughts and feelings of limitation to convince us of our lack, to convince us that we are those things.

Getting rid of these programs will not get you more abundance, this strategy will not work. You can't get rid of them; you can stop identifying yourself as them, but trying to rid yourself of thoughts and feelings is a complete waste of time. They are only thoughts and feelings; they are not real and they are not you. You do not need to get rid of anything within your beingness. These programs of limitation do not have any control over you and do not actually limit you in any way. You cannot be limited by anything! You are an unlimited force of All That Is!

Besides, 70 to 80 percent of your thoughts and feelings are not even yours! They are part of mass consciousness; external, psychic, genetic programs inputted by parents, teachers, media, political/religious systems etc. That leaves a measly 20 percent that are actually yours to deal with. I would recommend spending more time being aware of which thoughts and feelings are really yours rather then trying to eradicate the whole lot. You may be trying to irradicate the real you instead of the general random thought streams and feelings of mass conscious reality.

Part 3 will manifest shortly. Enjoy!

Tune Into YOU,

Bobby Sharpe Bobby Sharpe's "Indigo Spiritz": Prosperity Pt 1 "Dragon, Book Of Shang": "Dragon, Book Of Shang" Updates & NEW Reviews

Friday, October 3, 2008

Prosperity Pt 1

This is the first in a seven part article called "Prosperity" by ZaKaiRan. It will play with your mind and, hopefully stimulate your soul. Enjoy and feel free to leave a comment if YOU choose.


Abundance: more than enough : amply sufficient. Prosperity: thriving condition : success : economic well being.

Prosperity is a concept of the mind that is in direct opposition to lack. In other words you cannot have prosperity without lack. Concepts of the mind are illusions, therefor prosperity and abundance are illusions.

True prosperity is not relying on lack or abundance to fulfill you. True prosperity, is not relying on anything in the world of form to give you what you need. True prosperity is the knowledge that you do not need anything. Natural abundance is the truth of your beingness that is not reliant upon anything from the world of illusion, what we call reality.

True prosperity is finding that which needs no abundance, nor needs to avoid lack. It is discovering that which you truly are. The awareness of that which is permanent, unchangeable, eternal - that is not concerned about rich or poor, sick or healthy, happy or sad - these are merely states of being that 'all that you are' is aware of.

True Prosperity is not defined by anything in the world of form. Prosperity is not a thing that can be obtained; if it is something that can be obtained then it can be lost. If it can be lost then it is not real, and therefor it is not real prosperity. If it can be obtained or lost then it is an image of prosperity, a form representing prosperity. Don't look to abundance to fix your life, to take your suffering away. Abundance is something you are, not something you get! You are prosperity itself!

Our usual version of prosperity is based on form. If you have a lot of forms around you then you are prosperous. If you are prosperous in this manner then you are perceived to be doing something correctly. In the old version it meant you were a hard worker or good at business, or lucky. In the new age version you are a good manifestor, knowledgeable of spiritual principles and universal reality. You have good self esteem and love yourself so that abundance comes your way.

Both these lines of thought are illusion because thought is illusion. You can have all the positive thoughts in the world and they are going to manifest didly squat for you. Who you truly are is not concerned about abundance and prosperity. Your spirit manifests for you what it thinks will best assist you with your awakening to self. If you need riches to be tricked into awakening then you will have riches. If you need poverty to be coerced into the discovering the truth of your beingness then you will have poverty. If you need loving, successful, caring relationships to wake up to your beingness then you will have them. If you need to have uncaring, selfish relationships to wake up to who you truly are then you will have these types of relationships.

Part 2 will follow soon.

Tune Into YOU,

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Soul Exploration Of YOU

Exploring the Soul
Living a Spiritual Life

Throughout the journey from birth to death, many people choose to question life, strive for improvement, seek out knowledge, and search for the divine. Simply put, this is the essence of spirituality. One’s spiritual practice can take on many forms, because embracing the spiritual is a very personal pursuit. While many people do relate their spirituality to a God or Goddess, this quest for the divine, or oneness with the universe, always springs from within. It doesn’t matter where you find your spiritual path. We are all fundamentally spiritual beings and the essence of that lies in knowing one’s true self and finding a peace that comes from within rather than the outside world. It is in remembering this that we awaken to our personal path.

The spiritual path springs forth from a daily routine that reaffirms our personal connection with a purpose or a way of life. Practicing compassion, gratitude, appreciation, forgiveness, generosity, meditation, and taking care of one’s wellbeing can all be a part of one’s spiritual life. If you are new to exploring your personal spirituality, remember that this is a process. You may want to spend a few moments each day giving yourself a spiritual gift. Try a new form of meditation, visit a sanctuary, or explore a specific deity.

Accepting the importance of spirituality can be a healthy decision, because a spiritual practice tends to include habits that promote healthy living. Take the time to carefully determine the action, thought, and ritual that most speaks to your soul. Remember that your most profound spiritual experiences may also come from the simple intricacies that make up your life. See the interconnectedness of all things. As you explore your “inner work,” you will be walking your spiritual path and feeling your oneness with the universe.

With all of the things going on in the world today, now may be a good time to stop and check yourself out. By doing this, it may help YOU to deal with all that is taking place in this time of need for well thought rational decisions. Your soul and inner self have all the answers and guidance YOU need. Use YOU!

Get Intouch With YOU,

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Body Pendulum & Higher Self

Intuitive Guidance From Within
Using Yourself As A Pendulum

Learning to trust our intuition is something that can connect us with our higher selves. Sometimes it might not seem easy to do this. Our thoughts and minds often get in the way. But by accessing our innermost self, we will find that the information we receive is usually what we truly need at that moment. One of the techniques that allows us to really get in touch with our deepest font of wisdom is using our body as a pendulum. The simple act of letting our physical being lead us in a certain direction can offer us extremely deep insights and help us find the answers we seek.

Many of us may have tried using a pendulum or crystal on a chain as a dousing tool to acquire the information we need to make decisions or even find lost objects. Using our bodies puts us much more closely in tune with our being. The process of using your body as a pendulum is to ask your higher self a question and wait for your body to respond in either a forward-tilting or backward-tilting motion. The first step is to really understand how our higher self communicates with us by centering our bodies, asking ourselves the directions for “yes” and “no,” and noting which way our body moves. For a lot of people a forward motion is “yes,” and your body tilting backward is a “no” answer. It is easier to start with simple questions at first to understand how our higher self communicates with us. As we become more used to the messages we receive and how we process them, we can start asking for more specific things such as what dosage of herbs to take or which foods would best nour! ish our bodies. Using this technique in the grocery store or when shopping for vitamins and remedies can be extremely helpful.

Since we are always present in our bodies, understanding how we can use our bodies as pendulums is a tool we can use at any given moment in our lives. Letting our bodies tell us what is happening inside of us will in turn help to guide us through not just daily but also major life decisions. The more we allow our bodies to open up and share with us the connection it has with our deeper self, the better able we will be to truly access the knowledge we hold so deeply within.

Once again, as I have said numerous times before, "all of our answers are within". Opyn up and find YOU.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

12 Keys Of Spiritual Activism

This was posted by a good soul from "myspace" that wanted it passed along for YOU to experience. Enjoy!

Bobby Sharpe Bobby Sharpe's " Opyn Mindz": "NEW" Web Browser From Google
The 12 Keys of Spiritual Activism

The 12 Keys of Spiritual Activism

"Yesterday is gone.

Tomorrow has not yet come.

We have only today.

Let us begin.
~ Mother Theresa ~

Spiritual Activism is about reconnecting the concepts of personal spiritual growth and societal action. It is a mindset that comes from the awakening of our perception of the interconnectiveness of all living beings and the understanding that not only do our actions make a contribution to the world, they also foster our personal spiritual development. Spiritual Activism moves the mindset of the individual from one of "me" to one of "us" and towards a goal of selfless service to others. Selfless service does not differentiate between invisible acts of service to others and those that are recognized publically. It works towards the empowerment of others to not only solve the immediate problem, but to give the tools to prevent the repeat of the problem.

The embrace of the path of Spiritual Activism enables individuals or groups to develop the noble qualities of compassion, wisdom and gratitude. It is in itself a Path of Transformation - a Spiritual Blueprint for living. We can shift our perspectives of reality through seeking service beyond self by practicing the Gifts of Service.

"Where ever you are, be there totally.
~ Eckhart Tolle ~

Much Metta,

Humanity Healing

www. humanityhealing. net

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Email: contact@humanityhealing.net

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just Do It, You'll Feel Much Better

Your Inner Being?
Outside The Comfort Zone
Things We Don’t Want To Do

Most of us have had the experience of tackling some dreaded task only to come out the other side feeling invigorated, filled with a new sense of confidence and strength. The funny thing is, most of the time when we do them, we come out on the other side changed and often wondering what we were so worried about or why it took us so long. We may even begin to look for other tasks we’ve been avoiding so that we can feel that same heady mix of excitement and completion.

Whether we avoid something because it scares us or bores us, or because we think it will force a change we’re not ready for, putting it off only creates obstacles for us. On the other hand, facing the task at hand, no matter how onerous, creates flow in our lives and allows us to grow. The relief is palpable when we stand on the other side knowing that we did something even though it was hard or we didn't want to do it. On the other hand, when we cling to our comfort zone, never addressing the things we don’t want to face, we cut ourselves off from flow and growth.

We all have at least one thing in our life that never seems to get done. Bringing that task to the top of the list and promising ourselves that we will do it as soon as possible is an act that could liberate a tremendous amount of energy in our lives. Whatever it is, we can allow ourselves to be fueled by the promise of the feelings of exhilaration and confidence that will be the natural result of doing it.

YOU know, this is so true it is scary. A couple of days ago, after a week of rain from tropical storm Fay, we had a roof leak at our house. After procrastinating about what and how I was going to deal with this, I finally made up my mind that I was going to fix this problem myself. After all, as my spiritual mentor Beverly has told me time and time again, "YOU know everything that anyone else knows, it is just a matter of YOU remembering. YOU have the answer, YOU do not need someone to give it to YOU". In other words, I know what a roofer knows so I should be able to do the job myself. SO, I DID! And it feels great! Even if it is not perfect, I took the iniative and did the deed myself. By doing so, I cleared that block. Now I can move forward to the next task I have been avoiding. YOU can do this too!

"Nothing to it but to do it",

Monday, August 18, 2008

August, Month Of The Leo

Today, August 19, 2008, I am celebrating my birthday. I lost count many incarnations ago, so, I have NO idea what birthday it is or, in what context it falls. YOU did understand that right? lol

Anyway, I would just like to take the time to wish all of my fellow Leo's a very Happy Birthday. Since all of this life I have been overwhelmingly attracted to other Leo's, especially my wife Mary, it is only proper that I wish all of YOU the very best. Enjoy our time of the year, and remember, "we are the Kings and Queens of the jungle".

Click this link to check out a really cool animal storyPlucky Cow Confronts Trespassing Bear with a picture.

Animals Rule, Leo's Rule,

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Visitors Arriving October 14, 2008 - Are U Ready?

The MotherShip Is Coming
There has always been talk about "off planet" souls. For those of YOU that are not awake yet, that means "aliens". As I have stated many times before, "unless YOU can prove otherwise, then my beliefs are as true and valid as anything can be". YOU pretty much would have to be a closed minded uninformed soul to think that YOU/we are the only intelligent life in this universe.

On October 14, 2008, according to the email I recieved and the video link I watched, we will be visited by a ship belonging to some of our fellow "cosmic souls". I make NO judgement calls for YOU or anyone else. I merely present what I have been given and let YOU make your own call. Here is the link UFO appointment with Earth 14 OCT 2008 - The Ashtar Command Enjoy!

"Opyn Mindz Rule",

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Growing Into YOU

Growing Pains
Difficult Times

It can be very challenging to maintain a positive attitude and a measure of faith when you are in the midst of difficult times. This is partly because we tend to think that if the universe loves us we will experience that love in the form of positive circumstances. However, we are like children, and the universe is our wise mother who knows what our souls need to thrive better than we do. Just as a young child does not benefit from getting everything she wants, we also benefit from times of constriction and difficulty to help us grow and learn. If we keep this in mind, and continue to trust that we are loved even when things are hard, it helps us bear the difficult time with grace.

This period of time in history is full of difficulty for a lot of human beings, and you may feel less alone knowing you are not being singled out. There are extreme energy changes pulsing through the universe at every level and, of course, we are all part of the growing process and the growing pains. It helps if we remember that life is one phase after another and that this difficult time will inevitably give way to something new and different. When we feel overwhelmed we can comfort ourselves with the wise saying: This too shall pass.

At the same time, if you truly feel that nothing is going right for you, it’s never a bad idea to examine your life and see if there are some changes you can make to alleviate some of the difficulty. Gently and compassionately exploring the areas giving you the most trouble may reveal things you are holding onto and need to release: unprocessed emotions, unresolved transitions, or negative ways of looking at yourself or reality. As you take responsibility for the things you can change, you can more easily surrender to the things you can’t, remembering all the while that this phase will, without doubt, give way to another.

Try and always remember, "YOU are responsible for YOU". Through your choices and decisions, your life is shaped. Own it!

"Bad and Good are perceptual,
Life just is................................"

Friend Connect
